Subrahmanyam Murala
Subrahmanyam Murala
Associate Professor, CVPR Lab, SCSS, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
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Local tetra patterns: a new feature descriptor for content-based image retrieval
S Murala, RP Maheshwari, R Balasubramanian
IEEE transactions on image processing 21 (5), 2874-2886, 2012
Local Mesh Patterns Versus Local Binary Patterns: Biomedical Image Indexing and Retrieval
S Murala, J Wu
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 18 (3), 929–938, 2014
Local maximum edge binary patterns: A new descriptor for image retrieval and object tracking
M Subrahmanyam, RP Maheshwari, R Balasubramanian
Signal Processing; Elsevier, 2012
Local ternary co-occurrence patterns: A new feature descriptor for MRI and CT image retrieval
S Murala, QMJ Wu
Neurocomputing; Elsevier 119, 399-412, 2013
Directional local extrema patterns: a new descriptor for content based image retrieval
S Murala, RP Maheshwari, R Balasubramanian
International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval; Springer 1 (3 …, 2012
RescueNet: An unpaired GAN for brain tumor segmentation
S Nema, A Dudhane, S Murala, S Naidu
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 55, 101641, 2020
Directional binary wavelet patterns for biomedical image indexing and retrieval
S Murala, RP Maheshwari, R Balasubramanian
Journal of medical systems; Springer 36 (5), 2865-2879, 2012
Color and texture features for image indexing and retrieval
S Murala, AB Gonde, RP Maheshwari
2009 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, 1411-1416, 2009
LEARNet Dynamic Imaging Network for Micro Expression Recognition
M Verma, SK Vipparthi, G Singh, S Murala
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020
Local extrema co-occurrence pattern for color and texture image retrieval
M Verma, B Raman, S Murala
Neurocomputing, Elsevier, 2015
Modified color motif co-occurrence matrix for image indexing and retrieval
M Subrahmanyam, QM Jonathan Wu, RP Maheshwari, ...
Computers & Electrical Engineering; Elsevier 39 (3), 762-774, 2013
UW-GAN: Single-image depth estimation and image enhancement for underwater images
P Hambarde, S Murala, A Dhall
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-12, 2021
Spherical symmetric 3D local ternary patterns for natural, texture and biomedical image indexing and retrieval
S Murala, QMJ Wu
Neurocomputing, Elsevier 149, 1502-1514, 2015
MSFgNet: A Novel Compact End-to-End Deep Network for Moving Object Detection
PW Patil, S Murala
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019
Local neighborhood intensity pattern–a new texture feature descriptor for image retrieval
P Banerjee, AK Bhunia, A Bhattacharyya, PP Roy, S Murala
Expert Systems with Applications 113, 100-115, 2018
Deep underwater image restoration and beyond
A Dudhane, P Hambarde, P Patil, S Murala
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 27, 675-679, 2020
A novel feature descriptor for image retrieval by combining modified color histogram and diagonally symmetric co-occurrence texture pattern
AK Bhunia, A Bhattacharyya, P Banerjee, PP Roy, S Murala
Pattern Analysis and Applications 23, 703-723, 2020
NTIRE 2023 challenge on stereo image super-resolution: Methods and results
L Wang, Y Guo, Y Wang, J Li, S Gu, R Timofte, M Cheng, H Ma, Q Ma, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF CVPR-2023, 1346-1372, 2023
RYF-Net: Deep Fusion Network for Single Image Haze Removal.
A Dudhane, S Murala
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020
Ri-gan: An end-to-end network for single image haze removal
A Dudhane, H Singh Aulakh, S Murala
CVPRW-2019, 0-0, 2019
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Articles 1–20