Csutora Maria
Cited by
Cited by
Carbon accounting for sustainability and management. Status quo and challenges
S Schaltegger, M Csutora
Journal of Cleaner Production 36, 1-16, 2012
One more awareness gap? The behaviour–impact gap problem
M Csutora
Journal of consumer policy 35 (1), 145-163, 2012
From best practices to bridges for a more sustainable future: Advances and challenges in the transition to global sustainable production and consumption: Introduction to the …
V Blok, TB Long, AI Gaziulusoy, N Ciliz, R Lozano, D Huisingh, M Csutora, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 108, 19-30, 2015
Modifying the yield factor based on more efficient use of fertilizer—The environmental impacts of intensive and extensive agricultural practices
Z Mózner, A Tabi, M Csutora
Ecological Indicators 16, 58-66, 2012
A környezetbarát vállalatirányítás eszközei
M Csutora, S Kerekes
KJK Kerszöv, 2004
Environmental management accounting and supply chain management
RL Burritt, S Schaltegger, M Bennett, T Pohjola, M Csutora
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
How big is big enough? Toward a sustainable future by examining alternatives to the conventional economic growth paradigm
G Harangozo, M Csutora, T Kocsis
Sustainable Development 26 (2), 172-181, 2018
Twenty years of carbon accounting and auditing–a review and outlook
M Csutora, G Harangozo
Society and Economy 39 (4), 459-480, 2017
International corporate sustainability barometer
S Schaltegger, D Harms, J Hörisch, S Windolph, R Burritt, A Carter, ...
CSM (Center for Sustainability Management), Luneburg, Germany, 2013
A természetvédelemben alkalmazható közgazdasági értékelési módszerek
MS Zs, M Csutora, G Harangozó, K Zs, R Kontár, N Nagypál
A KvVM Természetvédelmi Hivatalának tanulmánykötete, Budapest, 2005
Proposing a beneficiary-based shared responsibility approach for calculating national carbon accounts during the post-Kyoto era
M Csutora, Z Vetőné mózner
Climate policy 14 (5), 599-616, 2014
From eco-efficiency to eco-effectiveness? The policy-performance paradox
M Csutora
Society and Economy. In Central and Eastern Europe ǀ Journal of the Corvinus …, 2011
Vállalati környezetmenedzsment
M B Andrási, M Csutora, M Görög, S Kerekes, J Kindler, L Kreiner, ...
Aula, 1997
Maximizing the efficiency of greenhouse gas related consumer policy
M Csutora, Á Zsóka
Journal of Consumer Policy 34, 67-90, 2011
Sustainable supply chain management and environmental management accounting
RL Burritt, S Schaltegger, M Bennett, T Pohjola, M Csutora
Environmental management accounting and supply chain management, 3-20, 2011
Introducing Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) at Enterprise Level
MC R De Palma
UNIDO, 2003
Corporate carbon and climate accounting
S Schaltegger, D Zvezdov, IA Etxeberria, M Csutora, E Günther
Springer International Publishing, 2015
May spirituality lead to reduced ecological footprint? Conceptual framework and empirical analysis
M Csutora, Á Zsóka
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 10 …, 2014
Introducing Environmental Management Accounting at Enterprise Level-Methodology and Case Studies from Central and Eastern Europe
R DePalma, M Csutora
UNIDO, 2003
Consumer income and its relation to sustainable food consumption–obstacle or opportunity?
M Csutora, Z Vetőné Mózner
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 21 (6), 512-518, 2014
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Articles 1–20