Dragos-Victor Anghel
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Cited by
Trapping of quasiparticles of a nonequilibrium superconductor
JP Pekola, DV Anghel, TI Suppula, JK Suoknuuti, AJ Manninen, ...
Applied Physics Letters 76 (19), 2782-2784, 2000
Heat transport in ultrathin dielectric membranes and bridges
T Kühn, DV Anghel, JP Pekola, M Manninen, YM Galperin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (12), 125425, 2004
Properties of the phonon gas in ultrathin membranes at low temperature
DV Anghel, JP Pekola, MM Leivo, JK Suoknuuti, M Manninen
Physical review letters 81 (14), 2958, 1998
The thermodynamic limit for fractional exclusion statistics
DV Anghel
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (47), F1013, 2007
Gases in two dimensions: universal thermodynamics and its consequences
DV Anghel
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35 (34), 7255, 2002
Interaction of two-level systems in amorphous materials with arbitrary phonon fields
DV Anghel, T Kühn, YM Galperin, M Manninen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (6), 064202, 2007
Noise in refrigerating tunnel junctions and in microbolometers
DV Anghel, JP Pekola
Journal of low temperature physics 123, 197-218, 2001
The fractional exclusion statistics amended
DV Anghel
Europhysics Letters 87 (6), 60009, 2009
Fractional exclusion statistics in general systems of interacting particles
DV Anghel
Physics Letters A 372 (36), 5745-5747, 2008
Capacitively coupled hot-electron nanobolometer as far-infrared photon counter
DV Anghel, L Kuzmin
Applied physics letters 82 (2), 293-295, 2003
Capacitive and inductive effects in perovskite solar cells: The different roles of ionic current and ionic charge accumulation
N Filipoiu, AT Preda, DV Anghel, R Patru, RE Brophy, M Kateb, ...
Physical Review Applied 18 (6), 064087, 2022
Performance of cryogenic microbolometers and calorimeters with on-chip coolers
DV Anghel, A Luukanen, JP Pekola
Applied Physics Letters 78 (4), 556-558, 2001
Behavior of the phonon gas in restricted geometries at low temperatures
DV Anghel, M Manninen
Physical Review B 59 (15), 9854, 1999
Interaction of Lamb modes with two-level systems in amorphous nanoscopic membranes
T Kühn, DV Anghel, YM Galperin, M Manninen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (16), 165425, 2007
Low-temperature electron-phonon heat transfer in metal films
S Cojocaru, DV Anghel
Physical Review B 93 (11), 115405, 2016
Quantization of the elastic modes in an isotropic plate
DV Anghel, T Kühn
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (34), 10429, 2007
Erratum: Grains and gas flow: Molecular dynamics with hydrodynamic interactions [Phys. Rev. E 61, 4054 (2000)]
DV Anghel, M Strauss, S McNamara, EG Flekkøy, KJ Måløy
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (2 …, 2006
Fractional exclusion statistics: the method for describing interacting particle systems as ideal gases
DV Anghel
Physica Scripta 2012 (T151), 014079, 2012
Comment on “Statistical Distribution for Generalized<? format?> Ideal Gas of Fractional-Statistics Particles”
DV Anghel
Physical Review Letters 104 (19), 198901, 2010
Kapitza pendulum effects in a Josephson junction coupled to a nanomagnet under external periodic drive
KV Kulikov, DV Anghel, AT Preda, M Nashaat, M Sameh, YM Shukrinov
Physical Review B 105 (9), 094421, 2022
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Articles 1–20