nick doran
nick doran
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Cited by
Nonlinear-optical loop mirror
NJ Doran, D Wood
Optics letters 13 (1), 56-58, 1988
Enhanced power solitons in optical fibres with periodic dispersion management
NJ Smith, FM Knox, NJ Doran, KJ Blow, I Bennion
Electronics Letters 32 (1), 54-55, 1996
Stable soliton-like propagation in dispersion managed systems with net anomalous, zero and normal dispersion
JHB Nijhof, NJ Doran, W Forysiak, FM Knox
Electronics Letters 33 (20), 1726-1727, 1997
UV-written in-fibre Bragg gratings
I Bennion, JAR Williams, L Zhang, K Sugden, NJ Doran
Optical and Quantum Electronics 28, 93-135, 1996
Experimental demonstration of optical soliton switching in an all-fiber nonlinear Sagnac interferometer
KJ Blow, NJ Doran, BK Nayar
Optics letters 14 (14), 754-756, 1989
Polarization instabilities for solitons in birefringent fibers
KJ Blow, NJ Doran, D Wood
Optics letters 12 (3), 202-204, 1987
Artificial neural network nonlinear equalizer for coherent optical OFDM
MA Jarajreh, E Giacoumidis, I Aldaya, ST Le, A Tsokanos, Z Ghassemlooy, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27 (4), 387-390, 2014
Suppression of the soliton self-frequency shift by bandwidth-limited amplification
KJ Blow, NJ Doran, D Wood
JOSA B 5 (6), 1301-1304, 1988
Average soliton dynamics and the operation of soliton systems with lumped amplifiers
KJ Blow, NJ Doran
IEEE Photonics technology letters 3 (4), 369-371, 1991
Performance limits in optical communications due to fiber nonlinearity
AD Ellis, ME McCarthy, MAZ Al Khateeb, M Sorokina, NJ Doran
Advances in Optics and Photonics 9 (3), 429-503, 2017
Two-wavelength operation of the nonlinear fiber loop mirror
KJ Blow, NJ Doran, BK Nayar, BP Nelson
Optics letters 15 (4), 248-250, 1990
Fibre dispersion compensation using a chirped in-fibre Bragg grating
JAR Williams, I Bennion, K Sugden, NJ Doran
Electronics Letters 30 (12), 985-987, 1994
Demonstration of the nonlinear fibre loop mirror as an ultrafast all-optical demultiplexer
KJ Blow, NJ Doran, BP Nelson
Electronics Letters 26 (14), 962-964, 1990
Energy-scaling characteristics of solitons in strongly dispersion-managed fibers
NJ Smith, NJ Doran, FM Knox, W Forysiak
Optics Letters 21 (24), 1981-1983, 1996
10-Gbt/s soliton communication systems over standard fiber at 1.55/spl mu/m and the use of dispersion compensation
FM Knox, W Forysiak, NJ Doran
Journal of lightwave technology 13 (10), 1955-1962, 1995
Multiple dark soliton solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
KJ Blow, NJ Doran
Physics Letters A 107 (2), 55-58, 1985
Pulse shaping, compression, and pedestal suppression employing a nonlinear-optical loop mirror
K Smith, NJ Doran, PGJ Wigley
Optics letters 15 (22), 1294-1296, 1990
Modulational instabilities in fibers with periodic dispersion management
NJ Smith, NJ Doran
Optics letters 21 (8), 570-572, 1996
Soliton transmission using periodic dispersion compensation
NJ Smith, NJ Doran, W Forysiak, FM Knox
Journal of lightwave technology 15 (10), 1808-1822, 1997
Compensating for dispersion and the nonlinear Kerr effect without phase conjugation
C Paré, A Villeneuve, PA Bélanger, NJ Doran
Optics letters 21 (7), 459-461, 1996
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Articles 1–20