Jake McMullen
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Cited by
Informative tools for characterizing individual differences in learning: Latent class, latent profile, and latent transition analysis
M Hickendorff, PA Edelsbrunner, J McMullen, M Schneider, K Trezise
Learning and Individual Differences 66, 4-15, 2018
Effects of a mathematics game-based learning environment on primary school students' adaptive number knowledge
B Brezovszky, J McMullen, K Veermans, MM Hannula-Sormunen, ...
Computers & Education 128, 63-74, 2019
Modeling the developmental trajectories of rational number concept (s)
J McMullen, E Laakkonen, M Hannula-Sormunen, E Lehtinen
Learning and Instruction 37, 14-20, 2015
Cultivating mathematical skills: From drill-and-practice to deliberate practice
E Lehtinen, M Hannula-Sormunen, J McMullen, H Gruber
ZDM 49, 625-636, 2017
Assessing fraction knowledge by a digital game
M Ninaus, K Kiili, J McMullen, K Moeller
Computers in Human Behavior 70, 197-206, 2017
Preschool spontaneous focusing on numerosity predicts rational number conceptual knowledge 6 years later
J McMullen, MM Hannula-Sormunen, E Lehtinen
Zdm 47, 813-824, 2015
Acceptance of game-based learning and intrinsic motivation as predictors for learning success and flow experience
M Ninaus, K Moeller, J McMullen, K Kiili
International Journal of Serious Games 4 (3), 15-30, 2017
Adaptive number knowledge: Exploring the foundations of adaptivity with whole-number arithmetic
J McMullen, B Brezovszky, G Rodríguez-Aflecht, N Pongsakdi, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 47, 172-181, 2016
Spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations in the development of children's fraction knowledge
J McMullen, MM Hannula-Sormunen, E Lehtinen
Cognition and Instruction 32 (2), 198-218, 2014
Adaptive number knowledge and its relation to arithmetic and pre-algebra knowledge
J McMullen, B Brezovszky, MM Hannula-Sormunen, K Veermans, ...
Learning and Instruction 49, 178-187, 2017
Spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations as a predictor of the development of rational number conceptual knowledge.
J McMullen, MM Hannula-Sormunen, E Laakkonen, E Lehtinen
Journal of Educational Psychology 108 (6), 857, 2016
Spontaneous focusing on numerosity in preschool as a predictor of mathematical skills and knowledge in the fifth grade
CE Nanu, J McMullen, P Munck, MM Hannula-Sormunen, ...
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 169, 42-58, 2018
Young children's recognition of quantitative relations in mathematically unspecified settings
JA McMullen, MM Hannula-Sormunen, E Lehtinen
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 32 (3), 450-460, 2013
Flow experience and situational interest in game-based learning: Cousins or identical twins
K Kiili, A Lindstedt, A Koskinen, H Halme, M Ninaus, J McMullen
International Journal of Serious Games 8 (3), 93-114, 2021
Early developmental trajectories toward concepts of rational numbers
M Kainulainen, J McMullen, E Lehtinen
Cognition and Instruction 35 (1), 4-19, 2017
Distinguishing adaptive from routine expertise with rational number arithmetic
J McMullen, MM Hannula-Sormunen, E Lehtinen, RS Siegler
Learning and Instruction 68, 101347, 2020
The role of rational number density knowledge in mathematical development
J McMullen, J Van Hoof
Learning and Instruction 65, 101228, 2020
Individual differences in fraction arithmetic learning
DW Braithwaite, ER Leib, RS Siegler, J McMullen
Cognitive psychology 112, 81-98, 2019
Tools for the classroom? An examination of existing sociometric methods for teacher use
JA McMullen, K Veermans, K Laine
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 58 (5), 624-638, 2014
The strength and direction of the difficulty adaptation affect situational interest in game-based learning
A Koskinen, J McMullen, M Hannula-Sormunen, M Ninaus, K Kiili
Computers & Education 194, 104694, 2023
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Articles 1–20