Lublóy Éva
Lublóy Éva
Other namesEva Lubloy, Majorosné Lublóy Éva
Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem
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Cited by
Investigation of physical, chemical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of cement-less concrete–state-of-the-art review
B Kanagaraj, E Lubloy, N Anand, V Hlavicka, T Kiran
Construction and Building Materials 365, 130020, 2023
Nanomaterials in geopolymer composites: A review
RS Raj, GP Arulraj, N Anand, B Kanagaraj, E Lubloy, MZ Naser
Developments in the Built Environment 13, 100114, 2023
Observation of steel fibres in concrete with Computed Tomography
GL Balázs, O Czoboly, É Lublóy, K Kapitány, Á Barsi
Construction and Building Materials 140, 534-541, 2017
Techno-socio-economic aspects of portland cement, geopolymer, and limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) composite systems: a-state-of-art-review
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, RS Raj, E Lubloy
Construction and Building Materials 398, 132484, 2023
Improved fire resistance by using Portland-pozzolana or Portland-fly ash cements
É Lublóy, K Kopecskó, GL Balázs, Á Restás, IM Szilágyi
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 129, 925-936, 2017
Performance evaluation of sodium silicate waste as a replacement for conventional sand in geopolymer concrete
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, E Lubloy
Journal of Cleaner Production 375, 134172, 2022
Effect of fire-related temperatures on natural stones
A Biró, V Hlavička, É Lublóy
Construction and Building Materials 212, 92-101, 2019
Post-heating strength of fiber-reinforced concretes
GL Balázs, É Lublóy
Fire Safety Journal 49, 100-106, 2012
Improved fire resistance by using slag cements
É Lublóy, K Kopecskó, GL Balázs, IM Szilágyi, J Madarász
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 125, 271-279, 2016
Evaluation of concrete elements with X-ray computed tomography
GL Balázs, É Lublóy, T Földes
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (9), 06018010, 2018
Evaluation of the mechanical properties of high-strength cement paste at elevated temperatures using metakaolin
N Abdelmelek, E Lubloy
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 145, 2891-2905, 2021
Investigation on engineering properties and micro-structure characteristics of low strength and high strength geopolymer composites subjected to standard temperature exposure
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, AD Andrushia, E Lubloy
Case Studies in Construction Materials 17, e01608, 2022
Performance of self-compacting high-performance concrete produced with waste materials after exposure to elevated temperature
M Abed, R Nemes, É Lublóy
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32 (1), 05019004, 2020
Physical characteristics and mechanical properties of a sustainable lightweight geopolymer based self-compacting concrete with expanded clay aggregates
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, B Praveen, S Kandasami, E Lubloy, MZ Naser
Developments in the Built Environment 13, 100115, 2023
Flexural strength of silica fume, fly ash, and metakaolin of hardened cement paste after exposure to elevated temperatures
N Abdelmelek, E Lubloy
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 147 (13), 7159-7169, 2022
Temperature effects on bond between concrete and reinforcing steel
É Lublóy, BL György
Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta 30 (26), 27-35, 2014
Performance evaluation on engineering properties of sodium silicate binder as a precursor material for the development of cement-free concrete
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, RS Raj, E Lubloy
Developments in the Built Environment 12, 100092, 2022
Air void distribution of asphalts determined by computed tomography
É Lublóy, D Ambrus, K Kapitány, Á Barsi
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 59 (4), 503-510, 2015
Deep learning based thermal crack detection on structural concrete exposed to elevated temperature
D Andrushia A, A N, E Lubloy
Advances in Structural Engineering 24 (9), 1896-1909, 2021
Autonomous detection of concrete damage under fire conditions
AD Andrushia, N Anand, TM Neebha, MZ Naser, E Lubloy
Automation in Construction 140, 104364, 2022
Effect of elevated temperatures on microstructure of high strength concrete based-metakaolin
N Abdelmelek, NS Alimrani, N Krelias, E Lubloy
Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences, 2021
Behaviour of tyres in fire: Determination of burning characteristics of tyres
Z Kerekes, E Lubloy, K Kopecsko
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 133 (1), 279-287, 2018
Fibers and fiber cocktails to improve fire resistance of concrete
O Czoboly, É Lublóy, V Hlavička, GL Balázs, O Kéri, IM Szilágyi
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 128, 1453-1461, 2017
Concrete cone failure of bonded anchors in thermally damaged concrete
V Hlavička, É Lublóy
Construction and Building Materials 171, 588-597, 2018
The impact of metakaolin, silica fume and fly ash on the temperature resistance of high strength cement paste
N Abdelmelek, E Lubloy
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-12, 2022
Bond after fire
E Lubloy, V Hlavička
Constr. Build. Mater 132, 210-218, 2017
The effects causing the burning of plastic coatings of fire-resistant cables and its consequences
Z Kerekes, Á Restás, É Lublóy
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 139, 775-787, 2020
Investigation on improving the residual mechanical properties of reinforcement steel and bond strength of concrete exposed to elevated temperature
T Kiran, N Anand, ME Mathews, B Kanagaraj, AD Andrushia, E Lubloy, ...
Case Studies in Construction Materials 16, e01128, 2022
Effect of elevated temperature on the magnetite and quartz concrete at different W/C ratios as nuclear shielding concretes
SIA Ali, E Lublóy
Nuclear Materials and Energy 33, 101234, 2022
Heat resistance of portland cements
É Lublóy
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 132 (3), 1449-1457, 2018
Performance of different concrete types exposed to elevated temperatures: a review
A Alhamad, S Yehia, É Lublóy, M Elchalakani
Materials 15 (14), 5032, 2022
The impact of time on the heat resistance of self-compacting high-performance concrete incorporated with recycled martials
M Abed, R Nemes, É Lublóy
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 138, 35-45, 2019
Standard fire testing of chimney linings from composite materials
Z Kererekes, É Lublóy, B Elek, Á Restás
Journal of Building Engineering 19, 530-538, 2018
Bond of CFRP wires under elevated temperature
É Balázs–Adorján, BSG Nehme
Proc. of the International Symposium on Bond Behaviour of FRP in Structures …, 2005
Numerical modelling of the fire resistance of double sheared steel-to-timber connections
A Szász, V Hlavička, É Lublóy, A Biró
Journal of Building Engineering 37, 102150, 2021
Residual fracture mechanical properties of quartz and expanded clay aggregate concrete subjected to elevated temperature
V Hlavička, LE Hlavicka-Laczak, E Lubloy
Construction and Building Materials 328, 126845, 2022
Microstructure investigation, strength assessment, and thermal modelling of concrete exposed to different heating cooling regimes
N Anand, DP Thanaraj, D Andrushia, ÉE Lublóy, T Kiran, B Kanagaraj, ...
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 148 (9), 3221-3247, 2023
Reinforced concrete structures in and after fire
G Balazs, E Lubloy
Concrete structures 13, 72-80, 2012
Influence of elevated temperature exposure on the interfacial shear strength capacity of binary blended high strength self-compacting geopolymer concrete
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, J Lukose, D Andrushia, E Lubloy
Case Studies in Construction Materials 18, e01974, 2023
Classification of aggregates for fire
A Biró, É Lublóy
Construction and Building Materials 266, 121024, 2021
Effect of protective coating on axial resistance and residual capacity of self-compacting concrete columns exposed to standard fire
ME Mathews, T Kiran, N Anand, E Lubloy, MZ Naser, GP Arulraj
Engineering Structures 264, 114444, 2022
Behavior of structural lightweight concrete produced with expanded clay aggregate and after exposure to high temperatures
R Nemes, MA Abed, AM Seyam, É Lublóy
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-8, 2021
Behavioural studies on binary blended high strength self compacting geopolymer concrete exposed to standard fire temperature
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, E Lubloy
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2), 102394, 2024
Pull-Out behavior and microstructure characteristics of binary blended self-compacting geopolymer concrete subjected to elevated temperature
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, AD Andrushia, T Kiran, E Lubloy
Alexandria Engineering Journal 76, 469-490, 2023
CT analysis of core samples from fire-damaged concrete structures
É Lublóy, GL Balázs, K Kapitány, Á Barsi
Magazine of concrete research 69 (15), 802-810, 2017
Thermal insulation capacity of concretes by expanded polystyrene aggregate
É Lublóy, LG Balázs, K Kopecskó, E Tóth, L Dunai, P Hegyi, O Drávucz
The Fourth International FIB Congress, 750-751, 2014
Axial compressive behaviour and physical characteristics of high strength self-compacting geopolymer concrete (HSGC) columns exposed to elevated temperature
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, R Jerry, RS Raj, E Lubloy
Construction and Building Materials 401, 132866, 2023
Fire resistance properties of heavyweight magnetite concrete in comparison with normal basalt-and quartz-based concrete
SIA Ali, É Lublóy
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 147 (21), 11679-11691, 2022
Advancements and environmental considerations in portland cement-based radiation shielding concrete: Materials, properties, and applications in nuclear power plants–review
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, S Raj, E Lubloy
Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 100733, 2024
Post-fire flexural behaviour and performance of unrestrained cold-formed steel built-up section beams: Experimental and numerical investigation
T Kiran, N Anand, M Anbarasu, E Lubloy
Case Studies in Construction Materials 18, e01978, 2023
Understanding the effect of recycled concrete aggregate and cementitious materials on concrete's fire resistance
MA Abed, E Lubloy
Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 13 (4), 421-432, 2022
Effects of Elevated Temperatures on the Properties of High Strength Cement Paste Containing Silica Fume
N Abdelmelek, É Lublóy
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 66 (1), 127-137, 2022
Radiation shielding structures: Concepts, behavior and the role of the heavyweight concrete as a shielding material—Review
SIA Ali, É Lublóy
Concr. Struct 21, 24-30, 2020
Concrete properties in fire depending on type of cement, aggregate and fibre, CCC2007 Visegrád Proceedings (Eds: Balázs, L. Gy., Nehme, SG), 2007
É Lublóy
Effect of elevated temperature on interfacial shear transfer capacity of self-compacting concrete
ME Mathews, N Anand, E Lubloy, T Kiran
Case Studies in Construction Materials 15, e00753, 2021
The influence of concrete strength on the effect of synthetic fibres on fire resistance
É Lublóy
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 62 (1), 136-142, 2018
Examination of the fire performance of wood materials treated with different precautions
É Lublóy, DT Mészáros, LG Takács, Z Cimer, H Norbert
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 148 (10), 4129-4140, 2023
Influence of high temperatures on bond
E Lublóy, GL Balázs
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on bond in concrete—BIC …, 2012
How does concrete strength affect the fire resistance?
E Lubloy
Journal of structural fire engineering 11 (3), 311-324, 2020
Degree of deterioration due to fire in large concrete halls
É Majoros, GL Balázs
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 48 (1-2), 141-156, 2004
Influence of protective coating on flexural behaviour of high strength self-compacting geopolymer concrete beams exposed to standard fire temperature
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, R Jerry, RS Raj, D Andrushia, E Lubloy
Case Studies in Construction Materials 19, e02468, 2023
Bond of reinforcement in polymer concrete
OI Németh, É Lublóy, G Farkas
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 58 (2), 137-141, 2014
Influence of particular components of concrete composition to residual compressive strength after temperature loading
É Lublóy, LG Balázs, OA Czoboly
The 9th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering (Editors …, 2013
Behaviour of expansion and bonded anchors subjected to elevated temperatures
É Lublóy, GL Balázs
Connections between Steel and Concrete: Proceedings of the 2nd International …, 2012
Modifications of material properties due to elevated temperatures
É Lublóy, GL Balázs
Advances in Construction Materials 2007, 307-314, 2007
Nano-bentonite as a sustainable enhancer for alkali activated nano concrete: Assessing mechanical, microstructural, and sustainable properties
RS Raj, GP Arulraj, N Anand, B Kanagaraj, E Lubloy
Case Studies in Construction Materials 20, e03213, 2024
Examination of the fire resistance of construction materials from beams in chemical warehouses dealing with flammable dangerous substances
L Kátai-Urbán, Z Cimer, ÉE Lublóy
Fire 6 (8), 293, 2023
IoT-based BIM integrated model for energy and water management in smart homes
ME Mathews, AE Shaji, N Anand, AD Andrushia, SC Chin, E Lubloy
Intelligent Edge Computing for Cyber Physical Applications, 45-66, 2023
Behavior and strength predictions for CFRP confined rubberized concrete under axial compression
RF Tufail, X Feng, D Farooq, N Abdelmelek, É Lublóy
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 66 (1), 164-178, 2022
Examination of the cost ratio of the formwork
Z Huszár, É Lublóy
Acta Technica Jaurinensis 14 (2), 155-170, 2021
CT and laboratory test of the wall panels after fire load
É Lublóy, K Kapitány, GL Balázs, T Földes, V Hlavička, L Hlavicka-Laczák
Construction and Building Materials 211, 1105-1116, 2019
Fire Resistance of Concretes with Blended Cements
GL Balázs, K Kopecskó, N Alimrani, N Abdelmelek, É Lublóy
High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet: Proceedings of …, 2018
Fire resistance for thin-webbed concrete and masonry elements
GL Balázs, É Lublóy
Applications of Structural Fire Engineering, 2015
Investigation of steel fibers bond strength in mortar matrix
K Halvax, É Lublóy
Pollack Periodica 8 (3), 101-110, 2013
Fire behavior of concrete structures
B Gy, E Lubloy
Advanced in cementious materials and structure desin. Milano, Italy, 2013
Szalmabála anyagú falak tűzvédelmi kérdései.
I Móder, É Lublóy, LG Takács
Építőanyag: Journal of Silicate Based & Composite Materials 2010 (4), 2010
Tűzhatásra való méretezési lehetőségek áttekintése vasbetonszerkezetek esetén
BL György, L Éva
Vasbetonépítés: A FIB Magyar Tagozat Lapja: Műszaki Folyóirat 12 (1), 14-22, 0
A sustainable solution for mitigating environmental corrosion in the construction sector and its socio-economic concern
B Kanagaraj, R Priyanka, N Anand, T Kiran, AD Andrushia, E Lubloy
Case Studies in Construction Materials 20, e03089, 2024
Influence of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT) on Flexural behavior and Microstructure characteristics of Geopolymer Concrete Beams
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, E Lubloy, D Andrushia
Case Studies in Construction Materials, e03317, 2024
Effect of metakaolin and boron-carbide on the properties of magnetite, basalt and quartz concrete at different elevated temperatures
SIA Ali, E Lublóy
Construction and Building Materials 400, 132593, 2023
Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams with FRP bars exposed to elevated temperature
N Anand, T Kiran, E Lubloy, ME Mathews, B Kanagaraj, D Andrushia
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 67 (1), 93-101, 2023
Performance of expansion and bonded anchors installed into concrete in comparison to limestone and granite
M Tóth, V Hlavička, É Lublóy, Á Török, GL Balázs
Bond Concr 1, 527-532, 2012
Potentials in use of X-ray computer tomography
É Lublóy, T Földes, GL Balázs
Proc., 7th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering: Innovative …, 2011
Investigation of the post-fire performance and flexural behaviour modeling of FRC exposed to a standard fire
A Varghese, A N, D Andrushia A, E Lubloy, P Arulraj G
Structural Engineering International 33 (2), 238-257, 2023
Effect of bulk density on flame resistance of rockwool in combined fire-resistant facings
É Lublóy, A Biró, V Hlavička, Z Németh, J Csanaky
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 147 (21), 11693-11704, 2022
Examination of the effect of fire retardant materials on timber
E Lubloy, LG Takács, DI Enczel, Z Cimer
Journal of structural fire engineering 12 (4), 429-445, 2021
Non-destructive material testing possibilities of reinforced concrete structures after a fire
É Lublóy, F Varga
Védelem Tudomány a Katasztrófavédelem online szakmai, tudományos folyóirata …, 2021
The Effect of the Wood Defects on Fire Resistance
Z Cimer, O Czoboly, B Harmann, É Lublóy
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 64 (1), 60-64, 2020
Possible observations on concrete after high temperature loading
GL Balazs, É Lublóy, O Czoboly
J Fac Civil Eng 1, 579-586, 2014
Tűz hatása betonszerkezetek anyagaira
ÉE Majorosné Lublóy
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, 2008
GLBÉ Lublóy
Sustainability and durability performance evaluation of geopolymer concrete with industrial effluent as alternative to conventional river sand
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, E Lubloy
Developments in the Built Environment 19, 100517, 2024
Influence of coatings on residual strength of geopolymer concrete columns subjected to fire exposure: An experimental investigation
B Kanagaraj, N Anand, R Jerry, J Lukose, E Lubloy
Case Studies in Construction Materials 20, e02990, 2024
The relationship between conctere composition and structural stability in case of fire
E Lubloy
Construction and Building Materials 431, 136545, 2024
The Impact of Cement Aggregates on the Fire Resistance Properties of Concrete and its Ecological Footprint
J Szép, Z Major, C Szigeti, É Lublóy
Chemical Engineering Transactions 107, 337-342, 2023
Bridges after the fire–Experiences, tests and repair methods
L Éva, H Viktor, C Olivér, B András, C Zsolt
Ain Shams engineering journal 14 (11), 102519, 2023
Effect of surface cleaning on seam quality of laser beam welded mixed joints
AZ Kenéz, T Földes, É Lublóy
Case Studies in Construction Materials 18, e01904, 2023
Femtosecond laser surface cleaning for diamond segmented drill bit manufacturing
AZ Kenéz, É Lublóy, G Bagyinszki, T Földes
Crystals 13 (4), 672, 2023
Fire resistance of the vertical glass structures with thermal protection foil
A Jakab, V Hlavicka, Á Restás, E Lubloy
Journal of structural fire engineering 11 (3), 395-407, 2020
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Articles 1–100