Giorgio Matassi
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Cited by
The draft genome of Ciona intestinalis: insights into chordate and vertebrate origins
P Dehal, Y Satou, RK Campbell, J Chapman, B Degnan, A De Tomaso, ...
Science 298 (5601), 2157-2167, 2002
The Genome of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
E Sodergren, GM Weinstock, EH Davidson, RA Cameron, RA Gibbs, ...
Science 314 (5801), 941-952, 2006
The human Rhesus-associated RhAG protein and a kidney homologue promote ammonium transport in yeast
AM Marini, G Matassi, V Raynal, B André, JP Cartron, B Chérif-Zahar
Nature genetics 26 (3), 341-344, 2000
DNA sequence evolution: the sounds of silence
PM Sharp, M Averof, AT Lloyd, G Matassi, JF Peden
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1995
Codon usage and genome evolution
PM Sharp, G Matassi
Current opinion in genetics & development 4 (6), 851-860, 1994
Compositional compartmentalization and compositional patterns in the nuclear genomes of plants
J Salinas, G Matassi, LM Montero, G Bernardi
Nucleic Acids Research 16 (10), 4269-4285, 1988
Chromosomal location effects on gene sequence evolution in mammals
G Matassi, PM Sharp, C Gautier
Current Biology 9 (15), 786-791, 1999
The 1.3-Å resolution structure of Nitrosomonas europaea Rh50 and mechanistic implications for NH3 transport by Rhesus family proteins
D Lupo, XD Li, A Durand, T Tomizaki, B Cherif-Zahar, G Matassi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (49), 19303-19308, 2007
Insights into the structure and function of membrane polypeptides carrying blood group antigens
JP Cartron, P Bailly, CL Van Kim, B Cherif‐Zahar, G Matassi, O Bertrand, ...
Vox Sanguinis 74 (S2), 29-64, 1998
Molecular characterization of a new urea transporter in the human kidney
B Olivès, S Martial, MG Mattei, G Matassi, G Rousselet, P Ripoche, ...
FEBS letters 386 (2-3), 156-160, 1996
The isochore organization and the compositional distribution of homologous coding sequences inthe nuclear genome of plants
G Matassi, LM Montero, J Salinas, G Bernardi
Nucleic Acids Research 17 (13), 5273-5290, 1989
Gene distribution and isochore organization in the nuclear genome of plants
LM Montero, J Salinas, G Matassi, G Bernardi
Nucleic Acids Research 18 (7), 1859-1867, 1990
Distribution of genes in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana and its implications for the genome organization of plants
A Barakat, G Matassi, G Bernardi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (17), 10044-10049, 1998
The Members of the RH Gene Family (RH50 and RH30) Followed Different Evolutionary Pathways
G Matassi, B Chérif-Zahar, G Pesole, V Raynal, JP Cartron
Journal of molecular evolution 48, 151-159, 1999
Molecular Defects of the RHCE Gene in Rh-Deficient Individuals of the Amorph Type
B Chérif-Zahar, G Matassi, V Raynal, P Gane, W Mempel, C Perez, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 92 (2), 639-646, 1998
Organization of the HumanRH50AGene (RHAG) and Evolution of Base Composition of the RH Gene Family
G Matassi, B Cherif-Zahar, V Raynal, P Rouger, JP Cartron
Genomics 47 (2), 286-293, 1998
A conserved non-reproductive GnRH system in chordates
TG Kusakabe, T Sakai, M Aoyama, Y Kitajima, Y Miyamoto, T Takigawa, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (7), e41955, 2012
Rh-Deficiency of the Regulator Type Caused by Splicing Mutations in the Human RH50 Gene
B Chérif-Zahar, G Matassi, V Raynal, P Gane, J Delaunay, B Arrizabalaga, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 92 (7), 2535-2540, 1998
Functional and hierarchical interactions among zebrafish vox/vent homeobox genes
CN Gilardelli, O Pozzoli, P Sordino, G Matassi, F Cotelli
Developmental dynamics: an official publication of the American Association …, 2004
Compostitional bimodality of the nuclear genome of tabacco
G Matassi, R Melis, G Macaya, G Bernandi
Nucleic acids research 19 (20), 5561, 1991
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