Szilvia Nagy
Cited by
Cited by
Elementary formula for entanglement entropies of fermionic systems
P Lévay, S Nagy, J Pipek
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (2), 022302, 2005
Structural entropy in detecting background patterns of AFM images
LM Molnár, S Nagy, I Mojzes
Vacuum 84 (1), 179-183, 2009
An economic prediction of the finer resolution level wavelet coefficients in electronic structure calculations
S Nagy, J Pipek
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (47), 31558-31565, 2015
An economic prediction of refinement coefficients in wavelet‐based adaptive methods for electron structure calculations
J Pipek, S Nagy
Journal of Computational Chemistry 34 (6), 460-465, 2013
Heat treatment parameters effecting the fractal dimensions of AuGe metallization on GaAs
I Mojzes, C Dominkovics, G Harsányi, S Nagy, J Pipek, L Dobos
Applied Physics Letters 91 (7), 2007
The effect of image feature qualifiers on fuzzy colorectal polyp detection schemes using KH interpolation-towards hierarchical fuzzy classification of coloscopic still images
S Nagy, B Sziová, LT Kóczy
2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-7, 2018
Entropy based fuzzy classification and detection aid for colorectal polyps
S Nagy, F Lilik, LT Kóczy
2017 IEEE AFRICON, 78-82, 2017
Investigation of the surface morphology on epitaxially grown fullerene structures
A Nemcsics, S Nagy, I Mojzes, R Schwedhelm, S Woedtke, R Adelung, ...
Vacuum 84 (1), 152-154, 2009
Multiresolution analysis of density operators, electron density, and energy functionals
S Nagy, J Pipek
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 84 (5), 523-529, 2001
On structural entropy and spatial filling factor analysis of colonoscopy pictures
S Nagy, B Sziová, J Pipek
Entropy 21 (3), 256, 2019
An approach for pit pattern recognition in colonoscopy images
VM Georgieva, S Nagy, E Kamenova, A Horváth
Egyptian Computer Science Journal 39 (2), 73, 2015
A wavelet-based adaptive method for determining eigenstates of electronic systems
S Nagy, J Pipek
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 125 (3), 471-479, 2010
Refinement trajectory and determination of eigenstates by a wavelet based adaptive method
J Pipek, S Nagy
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (17), 2006
Wavelet based fuzzy rule bases in pre-qualification of access networks' wire pairs
F Lilik, S Nagy, LT Kóczy
AFRICON 2015, 1-5, 2015
Representation of the Kato electron-electron cusp condition by wavelet-based density-operator expansions
J Pipek, S Nagy
Physical Review A 64 (5), 052506, 2001
Fractal properties of gold, palladium and gold–palladium thin films on InP
B Varga, A Ürmös, S Nagy, I Mojzes
Vacuum 84 (1), 247-250, 2009
Wavelet analysis and structural entropy based intelligent classification method for combustion engine cylinder surfaces
S Nagy, L Solecki
Interactions Between Computational Intelligence and Mathematics Part 2, 127-138, 2019
Ultrasonic sensor fusion inverse algorithm for visually impaired aiding applications
G Kovács, S Nagy
Sensors 20 (13), 3682, 2020
Applicability of various wavelet families in fuzzy classification of access networks' telecommunication lines
S Nagy, F Lilik, LT Kóczy
2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-6, 2017
Integration Through Culture
S Nagy
Participatory Governance in the European Capitals of Culture Programme, 2015
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Articles 1–20