Matthew Heston
Cited by
Cited by
Framing in social media: How the US Congress uses Twitter hashtags to frame political issues
L Hemphill, A Culotta, M Heston
Available at SSRN 2317335, 2013
# Polar Scores: Measuring partisanship using social media content
L Hemphill, A Culotta, M Heston
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 13 (4), 365-377, 2016
Worth the wait?: The effect of responsiveness on interpersonal attraction among known acquaintances
M Heston, J Birnholtz
Collaboration and Technology: 23rd International Conference, CRIWG 2017 …, 2017
Framing in Social Media: How the US Congress Uses Twitter Hashtags to Frame Political Issues, SSRN
L Hemphill, A Culotta, M Heston
Retreived from: http://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm, 2013
(In) visible cities: an exploration of social identity, anonymity and location-based filtering on yik yak
M Heston, J Birnholtz
IConference 2016 Proceedings, 2016
visible cities: An exploration of social identity, anonymity, and location-based filtering on Yik Yak. iConference 2016 Proceedings
M Heston, J Birnholtz
İllinois. doi. org/10.9776/16152, 2016
Identifying earmarks in congressional bills
E Wulczyn, M Khabsa, V Vora, M Heston, J Walsh, C Berry, R Ghani
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2016
The Effect of Availability, Message Attributes, and Relational Variables on Predicting Mobile Responsiveness
M Heston
Northwestern University, 2018
Data used to develop# Polar scores
M Heston, A Culotta, L Hemphill
Community Engagement and Community Response of First Time Code Contributors on GITHUB
M Heston
Illinois Institute of Technology, 2014
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Articles 1–10