Atif Mashkoor
Cited by
Cited by
A literature review of using machine learning in software development life cycle stages
S Shafiq, A Mashkoor, C Mayr-Dorn, A Egyed
IEEE Access 9, 140896-140920, 2021
The hemodialysis machine case study
A Mashkoor
Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z: 5th International …, 2016
Software safety and security risk mitigation in cyber-physical systems
M Biro, A Mashkoor, J Sametinger, R Seker
IEEE Software 35 (1), 24-29, 2017
Design and validation of a C++ code generator from abstract state machines specifications
S Bonfanti, A Gargantini, A Mashkoor
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 32 (2), e2205, 2020
A systematic literature review of the use of formal methods in medical software systems
S Bonfanti, A Gargantini, A Mashkoor
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 30 (5), e1943, 2018
Integrating formal methods into medical software development: The ASM approach
P Arcaini, S Bonfanti, A Gargantini, A Mashkoor, E Riccobene
Science of Computer Programming 158, 148-167, 2018
Evaluating the suitability of state‐based formal methods for industrial deployment
A Mashkoor, F Kossak, A Egyed
Software: Practice and Experience 48 (12), 2350-2379, 2018
Build software or buy: A study on developing large scale software
B Shahzad, AM Abdullatif, N Ikram, A Mashkoor
IEEE Access 5, 24262-24274, 2017
Discovery and classification of user interests on social media
B Shahzad, I Lali, MS Nawaz, W Aslam, R Mustafa, A Mashkoor
Information Discovery and Delivery 45 (3), 130-138, 2017
Asm2C++: A Tool for Code Generation from Abstract State Machines to Arduino
S Bonfanti, M Carissoni, A Gargantini, A Mashkoor
NASA Formal Methods: 9th International Symposium, NFM 2017, Moffett Field …, 2017
A Fuzzy AHP-based approach for prioritization of cost overhead factors in agile software development
S Abusaeed, SUR Khan, A Mashkoor
Applied Soft Computing, 109977, 2023
Utilizing Event-B for domain engineering: a critical analysis
A Mashkoor, JP Jacquot
Requirements Engineering 16, 191-207, 2011
Transformation heuristics for formal requirements validation by animation
A Mashkoor, JP Jacquot, J Souquières
2nd International Workshop on the Certification of Safety-Critical Software …, 2009
Machine learning for software engineering: A systematic mapping
S Shafiq, A Mashkoor, C Mayr-Dorn, A Egyed
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.13299, 2020
Refinement-based validation of Event-B specifications
A Mashkoor, F Yang, JP Jacquot
Software & Systems Modeling 16 (3), 789-808, 2017
Artificial intelligence and software engineering: Are we ready?
A Mashkoor, T Menzies, A Egyed, R Ramler
Computer 55 (3), 24-28, 2022
Formal validation and verification of a medical software critical component
P Arcaini, S Bonfanti, A Gargantini, A Mashkoor, E Riccobene
2015 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for …, 2015
Improving the understandability of formal specifications: an experience report
F Kossak, A Mashkoor, V Geist, C Illibauer
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 20th …, 2014
Taskallocator: A recommendation approach for role-based tasks allocation in agile software development
S Shafiq, A Mashkoor, C Mayr-Dorn, A Egyed
2021 IEEE/ACM Joint 15th International Conference on Software and System …, 2021
Security‐and safety‐critical cyber‐physical systems.
A Mashkoor, J Sametinger, M Biro, A Egyed
Journal of Software: Evolution & Process 32 (2), 2020
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Articles 1–20