Fenyves Veronika
Fenyves Veronika
Other namesV Fenyves, Veronika Fenyves, F Veronika
Debreceni Egyetem. Gazdaságtudományi Kar
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Cited by
Financial Performance Evaluation of agricultural enterprises with DEA Method
V Fenyves, T Tarnóczi, K Zsidó
Procedia Economics and Finance 32, 423-431, 2015
The capital structure of agricultural enterprises in the Visegrad countries.
V Fenyves, K Pető, J Szenderák, M Harangi-Rákos
Cluster analysis with k-mean versus k-medoid in financial performance evaluation
E Herman, KE Zsido, V Fenyves
Applied Sciences 12 (16), 7985, 2022
Kísérlet a lemorzsolódás mértékének és okainak megragadására a Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar példáján
V Fenyves, ÉB Bába, RS Szőke, I Kocsis, C Juhász, E Máté, G Pusztai
Neveléstudomány| Oktatás–Kutatás–Innováció 5 (3), 5–14-5–14, 2017
Analysis and optimization regarding the activity of a Hungarian Pig Sales and Purchase Cooperation
P Balogh, I Ertsey, V Fenyves, L Nagy
Studies in Agricultural Economics 109, 35-54, 2009
Data envelopment analysis for measuring performance in a competitive market
V Fenyves, T Tarnóczi
The main factors determining effective operation in case of a family business
J Tobak, A Nagy, K Pető, V Fenyves, A Nábrádi
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 24 (6), 1065-1074, 2018
The role of the notes to the financial statements in corporate decision-making
V Fenyves, Z Bács, Z Zéman, E Böcskei, T Tarnoczi
Corporate Ownership & Control 15 (4), 138-148, 2018
Expected Risk Assessment—Annual Report versus Social Responsibility
E Böcskei, V Fenyves, EK Zsidó, Z Bács
Sustainability 7 (8), 9960-9972, 2015
Liquidity management and corporate risk
T Tibor, F Veronika
of the International Conference, Oradea, 1161-1167, 2011
Financial performance measurement of Hungarian retail food companies
V Fenyves, Z Bács, L Karnai, A Nagy, T Tarnóczi
Contemporary Economics 12 (Special Issue), 459, 2018
Sport involvement analysis in Hungary, in the north great plain region
É Bácsné Bába, V Fenyves, G Szabados, K Pető, Z Bács, K Dajnoki
Sustainability 10 (5), 1629, 2018
Financial indicators in managerial decision-making
F Veronika, T Tibor, V Péter
Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 23 (1), 893 904, 2014
Profitability of pharmaceutical companies in the Visegrád countries
V Fenyves, B Nyul, K Dajnoki, Z Bács, G Tömöri
Montenegrin journal of economics 15 (4), 99-111, 2019
Deconstructing attitudes towards immigrant workers among Hungarian employees and higher education students
K Dajnoki, D Máté, V Fenyves, AI Kun
Sustainability 9 (9), 1639, 2017
Application of “traditional” and “new” approach methods in business performance measurement
KE Zsidó, V Fenyves
Cross-Cultural Management Journal 17 (1), 2015
Analysis of factors influencing foreign studies–strategic decisions–results of a Hungarian survey
V Fenyves, Z Bács, B Kovács, T Tarnóczi, A Nemeslaki, E Böcskei
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 22 (5), 1-21, 2019
Financial performance of Hungarian and Romanian retail food small businesses
V Fenyves, KE Zsido, I Bircea, T Tarnoczi
British food journal 122 (11), 3451-3471, 2020
Thrown into Deep Water: Feedback on Student Satisfaction—A Case Study in Hungarian and Romanian Universities
M Harangi-Rákos, D Ștefănescu, KE Zsidó, V Fenyves
Education Sciences 12 (1), 36, 2022
Measuring performance by integrating k-medoids with DEA: Mongolian case
B Bayaraa, T Tarnoczi, V Fenyves
Journal of business economics and management 20 (6), 1238-1257, 2019
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Articles 1–20