Prasanna Desikan
Prasanna Desikan
Data Science Leader, Blueshield
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Web mining–concepts, applications and research directions
T Srivastava, P Desikan, V Kumar
Foundations and advances in data mining, 275-307, 2005
Incremental page rank computation on evolving graphs
P Desikan, N Pathak, J Srivastava, V Kumar
Special interest tracks and posters of the 14th International Conference on …, 2005
Web mining: Accomplishments and future directions
J Srivastava, P Desikan, V Kumar
National Science Foundation Workshop on Next Generation Data Mining (NGDM'02 …, 2002
Mining temporally evolving graphs
P Desikan, J Srivastava
Proceedings of the the Sixth WEBKDD Workshop in conjunction with the 10th …, 2004
Hyperlink Analysis–Techniques & Applications
P Desikan, J Srivastava, V Kumar, PN Tan
Army High Performance Computing Center Technical Report, 2002
Analyzing network traffic to detect e-mail spamming machines
P Desikan, J Srivastava
ICDM workshop on privacy and security aspects of data mining, 2004
Mining temporally changing web usage graphs
P Desikan, J Srivastava
International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, 1-17, 2004
WICER: a weighted inter-cluster edge ranking for clustered graphs
D Padmanabhan, P Desikan, J Srivastava, K Riaz
The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'05 …, 2005
Data mining for healthcare management
P Desikan, KW Hsu, J Srivastava
Proceeding of International conference of Data Mining, 2011
Automatic instance selection via locality constrained sparse representation for missing value estimation
X Feng, S Wu, J Srivastava, P Desikan
Knowledge-Based Systems 85, 210-223, 2015
Divide and conquer approach for efficient pagerank computation
PK Desikan, N Pathak, J Srivastava, V Kumar
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Web engineering, 233-240, 2006
Web mining for self-directed e-learning
P Desikan, C Delong, K Beemanapalli, A Bose, J Srivastava
Data Mining in E-Learning(Advances in Management Information) 4, 21-37, 2006
Time series analysis and forecasting methods for temporal mining of interlinked documents
P Desikan, J Srivastava
vol, 2013
Web mining for business computing
P Desikan, C DeLong, S Mane, K Beemanapalli, KW Hsu, P Sriram, ...
Business Computing, 45, 2009
USER (User Sensitive Expert Recommendation): What Non-Experts NEED to Know
C DeLong, P Desikan, J Srivastava
Workshop Notes, 1, 2005
Mining Information from Temporal Behavior of Web Usage
P Desikan, J Srivastava
AHPCRC Technical Report, 2003
Predictive modeling in healthcare: Challenges and opportunities
P Desikan, R Khare, J Srivastava, R Kaplan, J Ghosh, L Liu, V Gopal
Data Mining for Healthcare (DMH), 2013
Using social network analysis to identify key players within clinical teams for improving pain management
P Desikan, N Banerji, S Ferguson, H Britt
2013 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 483-483, 2013
Early prediction of potentially preventable events in ambulatory care sensitive admissions from clinical data
P Desikan, N Srivastava, T Winden, T Lindquist, H Britt, J Srivastava
2012 IEEE Second International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Imaging …, 2012
Correlation based feature selection using rank aggregation for an improved prediction of potentially preventable events
C Sarkar, P Desikan, J Srivastava
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Articles 1–20