Maria Barros Weiss
Maria Barros Weiss
Eurescom GmbH
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Cited by
Enable advanced QoS-aware network slicing in 5G networks for slice-based media use cases
Q Wang, J Alcaraz-Calero, R Ricart-Sanchez, MB Weiss, A Gavras, ...
IEEE transactions on broadcasting 65 (2), 444-453, 2019
The SELFNET approach for autonomic management in an NFV/SDN networking paradigm
P Neves, R Calé, MR Costa, C Parada, B Parreira, J Alcaraz-Calero, ...
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 12 (2), 2897479, 2016
SliceNet: End-to-end cognitive network slicing and slice management framework in virtualised multi-domain, multi-tenant 5G networks
Q Wang, J Alcaraz-Calero, MB Weiss, A Gavras, PM Neves, R Cale, ...
2018 IEEE international symposium on broadband multimedia systems and …, 2018
A new architecture for reduction of energy consumption of home appliances
A Capone, M Barros, H Hrasnica, S Tompros
TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT, European conference of the Czech Presidency of the …, 2009
Future mode of operations for 5G–The SELFNET approach enabled by SDN/NFV
P Neves, R Calé, M Costa, G Gaspar, J Alcaraz-Calero, Q Wang, ...
Computer Standards & Interfaces 54, 229-246, 2017
SELFNET Framework self‐healing capabilities for 5G mobile networks
JP Santos, R Alheiro, L Andrade, AL Valdivieso Caraguay, ...
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 27 (9), 1225-1232, 2016
Phonetic events from the labeling the european portuguese database for speech synthesis, FEUP/IPB-DB
JP Teixeira, DS Freitas, D Braga, MJ Barros, V Latsch
European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Eurospeech …, 2001
QoE-driven, energy-aware video adaptation in 5G networks: The SELFNET self-optimisation use case
J Nightingale, Q Wang, JM Alcaraz Calero, E Chirivella-Perez, M Ulbricht, ...
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 12 (1), 7829305, 2016
Maximum entropy motivated grapheme-to-phoneme, stress and syllable boundary prediction for Portuguese text-to-speech
MJ Barros, C Weiss
IV jornadas en tecnologías del habla, 177-182, 2006
Estudo comparativo e técnicas de geração de sinal para a síntese da fala
MJAS Barros
Norms and standards in modular medical architectures
C Thuemmler, O Mival, D Benyon, W Buchanan, A Paulin, S Fricker, ...
2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications …, 2013
Enabling vertical industries adoption of 5G technologies: A cartography of evolving solutions
A Zafeiropoulos, P Gouvas, E Fotopoulou, G Tsiolis, T Xirofotos, J Bonnet, ...
2018 European conference on networks and communications (EuCNC), 1-9, 2018
SELFNET 5G mobile edge computing infrastructure: Design and prototyping
E Chirivella‐Perez, R Marco‐Alaez, A Hita, A Serrano, JM Alcaraz Calero, ...
Software: Practice and Experience 50 (5), 741-756, 2020
Design of 5G end-to-end facility for performance evaluation and use case trials
K Mahmood, P Grønsund, A Gavras, MB Weiss, D Warren, C Tranoris, ...
2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF), 341-346, 2019
HMM-based european Portuguese TTS system.
MJ Barros, R Maia, K Tokuda, FG Resende, D Freitas
INTERSPEECH 5, 2581-2584, 2005
Trescimo: European union and south african smart city contextual dimensions
L Coetzee, A Smith, AE Rubalcava, AA Corici, T Magedanz, R Steinke, ...
2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 770-776, 2015
Requirements and design of 5G experimental environments for vertical industry innovations
A Gavras, S Denazis, C Tranoris, H Hrasnica, MB Weiss
2017 Global Wireless Summit (GWS), 165-169, 2017
Spoken language interface for mobile devices
J Freitas, A Calado, MJ Barros, M Sales Dias
Human Language Technology. Challenges of the Information Society: Third …, 2009
Network management-edge and cloud computing the slicenet case
MB Weiss, A Gavras, P Salva-Garcia, JM Alcaraz-Calero, Q Wang
2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2020
The potential of 5G experimentation-as-a-service paradigm for operators and vertical industries: The case of 5G-VINNI facility
C Kalogiros, G Zois, G Darzanos, HK Hallingby, H Lønsethagen, ...
2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF), 347-352, 2019
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Articles 1–20