Shun-Xing Liang
Cited by
Cited by
Additive manufacturing of metallic lattice structures: Unconstrained design, accurate fabrication, fascinated performances, and challenges
LY Chen, SX Liang, Y Liu, LC Zhang*
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 146, 100648, 2021
A review of catalytic performance of metallic glasses in wastewater treatment: Recent progress and prospects
LC Zhang*, Z Jia*, F Lyu, SX Liang, J Lu
Progress in Materials Science 105, 100576, 2019
Compelling Rejuvenated Catalytic Performance in Metallic Glasses
SX Liang, Z Jia, YJ Liu, W Zhang, W Wang*, J Lu, LC Zhang*
Advanced Materials 30, 1802764, 2018
Selective laser melting of Ti–35Nb composite from elemental powder mixture: Microstructure, mechanical behavior and corrosion behavior
JC Wang, YJ Liu, P Qin, SX Liang, TB Sercombe*, LC Zhang*
Materials Science and Engineering: A 760, 214-224, 2019
A Self-Supported High-Entropy Metallic Glass with a Nanosponge Architecture for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution under Alkaline and Acidic Conditions
Z Jia, K Nomoto, Q Wang, C Kong, L Sun*, LC Zhang, SX Liang, J Lu*, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2101586, 2021
Corrosion behavior and characteristics of passive films of laser powder bed fusion produced Ti–6Al–4V in dynamic Hank’s solution
LY Chen*, HY Zhang, C Zheng*, HY Yang, P Qin, C Zhao, S Lu, SX Liang, ...
Materials & Design 208, 109907, 2021
Attractive In Situ Self‐Reconstructed Hierarchical Gradient Structure of Metallic Glass for High Efficiency and Remarkable Stability in Catalytic Performance
Z Jia, Q Wang, L Sun, Q Wang, LC Zhang, G Wu, JH Luan, ZB Jiao, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29, 1807857, 2019
Selective laser melting manufactured porous Fe-based metallic glass matrix composite with remarkable catalytic activity and reusability
SX Liang, X Wang, Z W, YJ Liu*, W Wang*, LC Zhang*
Applied Materials Today 19, 100543, 2020
Ultrafast activation efficiency of three peroxides by Fe78Si9B13 metallic glass under photo-enhanced catalytic oxidation: a comparative study
SX Liang, Z Jia, WC Zhang, XF Li, WM Wang*, HC Lin*, LC Zhang*
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 221, 108-118, 2018
Rapid malachite green degradation using Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 metallic glass for activation of persulfate under UV–Vis light
SX Liang, Z Jia, WC Zhang, WM Wang, LC Zhang*
Materials & Design 119, 244-253, 2017
Microstructural homogeneity and mechanical behavior of a selective laser melted Ti-35Nb alloy produced from an elemental powder mixture
J Wang, Y Liu, CD Rabadia, SX Liang, TB Sercombe*, LC Zhang*
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 61, 221-233, 2021
Corrosion and passivation behavior of laser powder bed fusion produced Ti-6Al-4V in static/dynamic NaCl solutions with different concentrations
P Qin, LY Chen*, YJ Liu, Z Jia, SX Liang, CH Zhao, H Sun, LC Zhang*
Corrosion Science 191, 109728, 2021
Design and perspective of amorphous metal nanoparticles from laser synthesis and processing
SX Liang*, LC Zhang, S Reichenberger, S Barcikowski*
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 11121-11154, 2021
Pt nanoparticles decorated heterostructured gC 3 N 4/Bi 2 MoO 6 microplates with highly enhanced photocatalytic activities under visible light
Z Jia, F Lyu, LC Zhang, S Zeng, SX Liang, YY Li, J Lu*
Scientific Reports 9, 7636, 2019
Heterogeneous photo Fenton-like degradation of cibacron brilliant red 3B-A dye using amorphous Fe78Si9B13 and Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 alloys: The influence of adsorption
Z Jia, SX Liang, WC Zhang, WM Wang, C Yang, LC Zhang*
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 71, 128-136, 2017
Comparison of microstructure and mechanical behavior of Ti-35Nb manufactured by laser powder bed fusion from elemental powder mixture and prealloyed powder
JC Wang, YJ Liu, SX Liang, YS Zhang*, LQ Wang*, TB Sercombe*, ...
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 105, 1-16, 2022
Laser-generated high entropy metallic glass nanoparticles as bifunctional electrocatalysts
J Johny, Y Li, M Kamp, O Prymak, SX Liang, T Krekeler, M Ritter, L Kienle, ...
Nano Research 15, 4807-4819, 2022
Strong enhancement on dye photocatalytic degradation by ball-milled TiO2: A study of cationic and anionic dyes
Z Jia, LBT La, WC Zhang, SX Liang, B Jiang, SK Xie, D Habibi, LC Zhang*
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 33, 856-863, 2017
Fe‐based Metallic Glasses in Functional Catalytic Applications
LC Zhang*, SX Liang*
Chemistry–An Asian Journal 13, 3575-3592, 2018
Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 metallic glass: Rapid activation of peroxymonosulfate towards ultrafast Eosin Y degradation
JC Wang, Z Jia, SX Liang, P Qin, WC Zhang, WM Wang*, TB Sercombe, ...
Materials & Design 140, 73-84, 2018
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