Sándor Baranya
Cited by
Cited by
The acoustic properties of suspended sediment in large rivers: Consequences on ADCP methods applicability
M Guerrero, N Rüther, R Szupiany, S Haun, S Baranya, F Latosinski
Water 8 (1), 13, 2016
Flow analysis of a river confluence with field measurements and RANS model with nested grid approach
S Baranya, NRB Olsen, J Józsa
River research and applications 31 (1), 28-41, 2015
Acoustic mapping velocimetry
M Muste, S Baranya, R Tsubaki, D Kim, H Ho, H Tsai, D Law
Water Resources Research 52 (5), 4132-4150, 2016
Three-dimensional RANS modeling of flow around circular piers using nested grids
S Baranya, NRB Olsen, T Stoesser, T Sturm
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 6 (4), 648-662, 2012
Estimation of suspended sediment concentrations with ADCP in Danube River
S Baranya, J Józsa
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 61 (3), 232-240, 2013
3D CFD modeling of local scouring, bed armoring and sediment deposition
GT Török, S Baranya, N Rüther
Water 9 (1), 56, 2017
A combined use of acoustic and optical devices to investigate suspended sediment in rivers
M Guerrero, N Rüther, S Haun, S Baranya
Advances in Water Resources 102, 1-12, 2017
Investigation of the effects of ship induced waves on the littoral zone with field measurements and CFD modeling
G Fleit, S Baranya, N Rüther, H Bihs, T Krámer, J Józsa
Water 8 (7), 300, 2016
Comparison of real time suspended sediment transport measurements in river environment by LISST instruments in stationary and moving operation mode
S Haun, N Rüther, S Baranya, M Guerrero
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 41, 10-17, 2015
A nested grid based computational fluid dynamics model to predict bridge pier scour
S Baranya, NRB Olsen, T Stoesser, TW Sturm
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management 167 (5 …, 2014
Comparative assessment of fluvial suspended sediment concentration analysis methods
F Pomázi, S Baranya
Water 12 (3), 873, 2020
Spatio-temporal patterns of sediment particle movement on 2D and 3D bedforms
R Tsubaki, S Baranya, M Muste, Y Toda
Experiments in Fluids 59, 1-14, 2018
Relating degradation of pharmaceutical active ingredients in a stream network to degradation in water‐sediment simulation tests
M Honti, F Bischoff, A Moser, C Stamm, S Baranya, K Fenner
Water Resources Research 54 (11), 9207-9223, 2018
Flow analysis in river Danube by field measurement and 3D CFD turbulence modelling
S Baranya, J Józsa
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 50 (1), 57-68, 2006
A practical framework to assess the hydrodynamic impact of ship waves on river banks
G Fleit, S Baranya, T Krámer, H Bihs, J Józsa
River Research and Applications 35 (9), 1428-1442, 2019
Morphological investigation of a critical reach of the upper Hungarian Danube
GT Török, S Baranya
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 61 (4), 752-761, 2017
CFD modeling of varied flow conditions over an ogee-weir
G Fleit, S Baranya, H Bihs
Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering, 2017
A shear Reynolds number-based classification method of the nonuniform bed load transport
GT Török, J Józsa, S Baranya
Water 11 (1), 73, 2019
Numerical and laboratory investigation of the hydrodynamic complexity of a river confluence
S Baranya, J Józsa
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 51 (1), 3-8, 2007
Habitat mapping of riverine fish by means of hydromorphological tools
S Baranya, G Fleit, J Józsa, Z Szalóky, B Tóth, I Czeglédi, T Erős
Ecohydrology 11 (7), e2009, 2018
Laboratory analysis of armor layer development in a local scour around a groin
GT Török, S Baranya, N Rüther, S Spiller
Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, RIVER …, 2014
Acoustic measurement of ship wave–induced sediment resuspension in a large river
G Fleit, S Baranya
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 147 (2), 04021001, 2021
Field and numerical study of river confluence flow structures
S Baranya, J Józsa, E Napoli
Fifth international conference on fluvial hydraulics, River Flow, 2010
An improved particle image velocimetry method for efficient flow analyses
G Fleit, S Baranya
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69, 101619, 2019
Three-dimensional analysis of river hydrodynamics and morphology
S Baranya
Ph. D. Thesis, 2009
A numerical modeling‐based predictive methodology for the assessment of the impacts of ship waves on YOY fish
G Fleit, C Hauer, S Baranya
River Research and Applications 37 (3), 373-386, 2021
Sediment manual for stakeholders
H Habersack, S Baranya, K Holubova, F Vartolomei, H Skiba, U Schwarz, ...
Interreg Danube Transnational Programme Danube Sediment Project, 2019
Three-dimensional numerical modeling of non-uniform sediment transport and bed armoring process
GT Török, S Baranya, N Rüther
18th Congress of the Asia & Pacific Division of the International …, 2012
Bedload transport analysis using image processing techniques
AA Ermilov, G Fleit, S Conevski, M Guerrero, S Baranya, N Rüther
Acta Geophysica 70 (5), 2341-2360, 2022
Danube sediment management guidance
H Habersack, S Baranya, K Holubova, F Vartolomei, H Skiba, ...
Output, 2019
A comprehensive field analysis of a river confluence
S Baranya, J Józsa, GT Török, N Rüther
River Flow 1, 565-571, 2012
Bedload estimation in large sand-bed rivers using Acoustic Mapping Velocimetry (AMV)
S Baranya, G Fleit, M Muste, R Tsubaki, J Józsa
Geomorphology 424, 108562, 2023
Acoustic based assessment of cross-sectional concentration inhomogeneity at a suspended sediment monitoring station in a large river
F Pomázi, S Baranya
Acta Geophysica 70 (5), 2361-2377, 2022
Image-based bed material mapping of a large river
AA Ermilov, S Baranya, GT Török
Water 12 (3), 916, 2020
Duna hordalékvizsgálatai a SEDDON osztrák-magyar együttműködési projekt keretében (Introduction of the joint Austro-Hungarian sediment research under the SEDDON ERFE-project)
S Baranya, J Józsa, GT Török, J Ficsor, G Mohácsiné Simon, ...
Hidrológiai Közlöny 95 (1), 41, 2015
Complex hydro-and sediment dynamics survey of two critical reaches on the Hungarian part of river Danube
S Baranya, L Goda, J Józsa, L Rákóczi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 4 (1), 012038, 2008
A novel sediment transport calculation method based 3D CFD model investigation of a critical Danube reach
GT Török, J Józsa, S Baranya
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 29 (4), 2889-2899, 2020
Considerations on Acoustic Mapping Velocimetry (AMV) Application for in-situ Measurement of Bedform Dynamics
H You, M Muste, D Kim, S Baranya
Frontiers in Water 3, 715308, 2021
Validation of a novel, shear Reynolds number based bed load transport calculation method for mixed sediments against field measurements
GT Török, J Józsa, S Baranya
Water 11 (10), 2051, 2019
Microfiber emission from a municipal wastewater treatment plant in Hungary
D Tserendorj, Á Illés, Á Károly, R Stadler-Szalai, S Sandil, T Mireisz, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 12041, 2024
Qualitative and quantitative acoustic mapping of bedform dynamics
D Kim, HC Ho, S Baranya, M Muste
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 50, 80-89, 2016
Acoustic Mapping Velocimetry proof-of-concept experiment
M Muste, S Baranya, R Tsubaki, D Kim, HC Ho, HW Tsai, D Law
Numerical Simulation of Sediment Flushing in Reservoirs with TELEMAC
AA Ermilov, S Baranya, N Rüther
Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Trondheim, Norway, 2018
Coordinate systems and georeference of Norwegian historical topographic maps
G Timár, C Galambos, S Kvarteig, E Biszak, S Baranya, N Rüther
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Digital Approaches to …, 2017
Morphological modeling of a sand-bed reach in the Hungarian Danube
S Baranya, J Jozsa
Proceedings of the 33rd Congress of the International Association of …, 2009
CFD modeling of flow and local scour around submerged bridge decks
G Fleit, S Baranya, R Ehlers, H Bihs
Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures 3, 2023
Assessment of river sediment quality according to the EU Water Framework Directive in large river fluvial conditions. A case study in the lower Danube River Basin
A Hikov, AM Vijdea, I Peytcheva, G Jordan, P Marjanović, Z Milakovska, ...
Carpathian Journal Of Earth And Environmental Sciences 18, 195-211, 2023
Assessment of river sediment quality according to the EU Water Framework Directive in mountainous fluvial conditions. A case study in the upper Tisa area, Danube River Basin
G Damian, G Iepure, G Jordan, D Nasui, J Alijagic, D Ivanišević, L Galović, ...
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 17 (2), 441-458, 2022
Assessment of cfd model performance for flows around a hydraulic structure of complex geometry
P Grivalszki, G Fleit, S Baranya, J Józsa
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 65 (1), 109-119, 2021
Analysis of video-based discharge measurement method for streams
G Lükő, S Baranya
BME-VVT, TDK dolgozat, 2015
Investigation of flow around a groin with a 3D numerical model, II
S Baranya, J Józsa
Proceedings of the Ph. D. CivilExpo Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, 29-31, 2004
Numerische Untersuchung von Skaleneffekten auf die Hydrodynamik in einem Buhnenexperiment
M Glas, M Tritthart, S Pessenlehner, C Sindelar, M Buchinger, S Baranya, ...
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 76 (3), 126-132, 2024
Einblicke in hydrodynamische und morphodynamische Modellierungen in der Donau
M Glas, M Tritthart, S Pessenlehner, M Ando, M Lukac, S Baranya, ...
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 75 (7-8), 381-390, 2023
On the capabilities of emerging nonintrusive methods to estimate bedform characteristics and bedload rates
M Muste, H You, D Kim, G Fleit, S Baranya, R Tsubaki, D Abraham, ...
Water Resources Research 59 (6), e2022WR034266, 2023
Assessment of river sediment quality according to the EU Water Framework Directive in lowland fluvial conditions. A case study in the Drava river area, Danube River Basin
A Šorša, T Čeru, Z Kovács, G Jordan, K Dudás, S Baranya, V Cvetković, ...
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 17 (2), 459-468, 2022
Validation of a combined sediment transport modelling approach for the morphodynamic simulation of the upper Hungarian Danube River
GT Török, S Baranya, N Rüther
19th EGU General Assembly 19, 15749, 2018
Testing the LISST-ABS capabilities and verifying its usage for measuring suspended sediment concentration in large rivers
S Conevski, M Guerrero, N Rüther, S Baranya
5th Particles in Europe conference (PiE2016), 1-13, 2016
Acoustic Mapping Velocimetry (AMV) for in-situ bedload transport estimation
S Baranya, M Muste, TC Pratt, D Abraham
CRC Press, 2016
Gemeinsame österreichisch-ungarische Sedimentforschung im Rahmen des EFRE-Projektes SEDDON
H Habersack, M Haimann, S Baranya, J Józsa, A Riegler, C Sindelar, ...
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 9 (66), 340-347, 2014
Comparative CFD and scale model analysis of the flow complexity at a river confluence
S Baranya, J Józsa
Sedimentänderung wurde ein signifikantes Wasserbewirtschaftungsthema im Donaueinzugsgebiet–basierend auf dem EU-Projekt DanubeSediment
H Habersack, P Gmeiner, M Krapesch, S Baranya, K Holubova, ...
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 75 (7-8), 342-349, 2023
Länderübergreifende Problemanalyse und Optimierung des Sedimentmonitorings an der österreichisch-slowakisch-ungarischen Donau im Rahmen der EFRE-Projekte SEDDON II und DREAM SK-AT
S Pessenlehner, M Liedermann, P Gmeiner, M Haimann, M Glas, ...
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 75 (7-8), 370-380, 2023
CFD analysis of environmentally friendly wave mitigation measures in river waterways
J Preuß, G Fleit, S Baranya
River Research and Applications 39 (5), 847-860, 2023
Effects of a nuclear power plant warmwater outflow on environmental conditions and fish assemblages in a very large river (the Danube, Hungary)
V Füstös, P Sály, Z Szalóky, B Tóth, Z Vitál, A Specziár, G Fleit, S Baranya, ...
Ecohydrology 16 (3), e2512, 2023
LSPIV analysis of ship-induced wave wash
G Fleit, S Baranya
Experiments in Fluids 63 (10), 160, 2022
Video based bedload transport analysis in gravel bed rivers.
AA Ermilov, G Fleit, M Zsugyel, S Baranya, G Török
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
A felső-magyarországi Duna élőhelyszempontú hidrodinamikai vizsgálata= Habitat based hydrodynamic investigation of the Upper‐Hungarian Danube Rive
V Füstös, S Baranya, G Fleit, T Erős, Z Szalóky, J Józsa
Pisces Hungarici, 81-90, 2019
River Bed Material Mapping to Support Habitat Assesment in Large Rivers
12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. Tokyo, Japan, 2018
Morphodynamic investigation of the Danube River by a novel sediment transport modelling method
GT Török, S Baranya
20th EGU General Assembly 20, 15580, 2018
Validation and application of acoustic mapping velocimetry
S Baranya, M Muste
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-17158, 2016
River bed armoring in a local scour under no-supply conditions; experimental investigation and numerical model validation
G Török, S Baranya, N Rüther
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-17279, 2016
Hajók keltette hullámzás hatásának terepi feltárása a litorális zónában
G Fleit, S Baranya, T Krámer, J Józsa
HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY 95 (3), 29-36, 2015
A Review of Microplastic Identification and Characterization Methods in Aquatic Environments
P Jahanpeyma, S Baranya
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2024
Automated riverbed composition analysis using deep learning on underwater images
AA Ermilov, G Benkő, S Baranya
Earth Surface Dynamics 11 (6), 1061-1095, 2023
Impact assessment of river regulations of the past century using 1D morphodynamic modeling on the Upper Hungarian Danube
E Nyiri, G Tihamér Török, S Baranya
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-16014, 2023
CFD modeling of flow and local scouring in the vicinity of submerged bridges
G Fleit, S Baranya, H Bihs
Proceedeings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, 19-24, 2022
CFD modeling of ship wave induced sediment resuspension in the littoral zone, preliminaries.
G Fleit, S Baranya
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
A Shear Reynolds Number Based Investigation Method of the Bed Load Transport in Large Rivers with Complex Morphodynamics
GT Török, J Józsa, S Baranya
Preprints, 2018
Field and computational analysis of the hydrodynamic effects of ship induced waves in the littoral zone of a large river
G Fleit, S Baranya, T Krámer, J Józsa
12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (2018.08. 19‐2018.08. 24 …, 2018
Assessment of ship induced waves by means of video imagery methods
G Fleit, S Baranya
Proc. of the 5th IAHR Europe Congress (2018.06. 12.‐2018.06. 14., Trento …, 2018
Rectification of historical topographic maps: a tool revealing the course changes and dynamics of Lower Gaula River, South Trondelag, Norway
G Timár, S Baranya, N Rüther, S Kvarteig, C Galambos, E Biszak, D Nagy
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8033, 2017
Acoustic properties of sediment particles from water samples in large rivers: a comparison in the light of ADCP recordings application for suspended-load estimation
M Guerrero, N Rüther, S Haun, RN Szupiany, F Latosinski, S Baranya
Proceedings of River Flow 2016, the International Conference on Fluvial …, 2016
Quantification of bedload transport in the Hungarian Danube using multiple analysis methods
S Baranya
International Journal of Sediment Research 39 (6), 1015-1026, 2024
Downstream change of luminescence sensitivity in sedimentary quartz and the rearrangement of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) components along two large rivers
G Magyar, T Bartyik, RS Marković, D Filyó, T Kiss, SB Marković, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 85, 101629, 2024
Thermal Profile Dynamics of a Central European River Based on Landsat Images: Natural and Anthropogenic Influencing Factors
A Mohsen, T Kiss, S Baranya, A Balla, F Kovács
Remote Sensing 16 (17), 3196, 2024
Validating a Two-dimensional Sediment Transport Model on a Large Danubian Floodplain
V Füstös, S Baranya, E Kutassy, EA Tamás, T Erős, J Józsa
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2024
Mikroműanyag szennyezés vizsgálata a Duna budapesti szakaszán= Exploring microplastic contamination in the Budapest segment of the Danube River
D Gere, F Pomázi, A Szöllősi, P Jahanpeyma, AA Ermilov, S Baranya, ...
POLIMEREK 10 (2), 66-72, 2024
Simulation‐Based Assessment of Fine Sediment Transport to Support River Restoration Measures
F Pomázi, S Baranya
River Research and Applications, 2024
Halak fajkompozíciója és hidromorfológiai változók közötti összefüggések a Duna magyarországi szakaszán
B Jandó, V Füstös, AA Ermilov, Z Szalóky, T Erős, S Baranya
Hidrológiai Közlöny 104 (2/HU), 4-15, 2024
Komplex folyami lebegtetett hordalékszállítási folyamatok szimuláció alapú vizsgálata revitalizációs célú beavatkozások támogatására
F Pomázi, S Baranya
Hidrológiai Közlöny 104 (1), 56-70, 2024
Characterization of suspended solids in treated wastewater: a case study in Budapest
D Tserendorj, Á Illés, T Mireisz, Á Károly, S Baranya, AA Ermilov, G Záray
Goldschmidt 2023 Conference, 2023
Effects of a nuclear power plant warmwater outflow on environmental conditions and fish assemblages in a very large river (the Danube, Hungary)
V Fustos, P Saly, Z Szaloky, B Toth, Z Vital, A Specziar, G Fleit, S Baranya, ...
ECOHYDROLOGY 16 (3), 2023
Folyószabályozási művek morfodinamikai hatásvizsgálata a magyarországi Felső-Dunán
E Nyiri, GT Török, S Baranya
Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság, 2023
Automated riverbed material analysis using Deep Learning on underwater images
AA Ermilov, G Benkő, S Baranya
Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions 2022, 1-34, 2022
Inferences from the comparison of two non-intrusive methods for estimation of bedload transport
S Baranya, H You, M Muste, D Kim, T McAlpin, D Abraham
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-9427, 2022
Assessment of acoustic features of clay-silt suspended sediment from numerous observed particle size distributions and dual-frequencies
F Pomazi, M Guerrero, S Baranya
Proceedings of the 7th IAHR European Congress (Athens, 2022), 337-338, 2022
Bedload transport assessment with ADCP in a large gravel bed river
S Baranya, GT Török
International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2022
Analysis of ship-induced waves in the near-bank area of a large river via LSPIV
G Fleit, S Baranya
2nd IAHR Young Professionals Congress, 58, 2021
Assessing Underwater Visibility Conditions in a Large River
Bedload Transport Quantification using Image Processing Techniques
Book of abstracts: webinar on Experimental Methods and Laboratory …, 2021
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Articles 1–100