Ángel F. Agudo-Peregrina, PhD
Ángel F. Agudo-Peregrina, PhD
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Cited by
Can we predict success from log data in VLEs? Classification of interactions for learning analytics and their relation with performance in VLE-supported F2F and online learning
ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, S Iglesias-Pradas, MÁ Conde-González, ...
Computers in human behavior 31, 542-550, 2014
Behavioral intention, use behavior and the acceptance of electronic learning systems: Differences between higher education and lifelong learning
ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, Á Hernández-García, FJ Pascual-Miguel
Computers in Human Behavior 34, 301-314, 2014
Influences of gender and product type on online purchasing
FJ Pascual-Miguel, ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, J Chaparro-Peláez
Journal of Business Research 68 (7), 1550-1556, 2015
Conjoint analysis of drivers and inhibitors of e-commerce adoption
J Chaparro-Peláez, ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, FJ Pascual-Miguel
Journal of Business Research 69 (4), 1277-1282, 2016
Assessing the suitability of student interactions from Moodle data logs as predictors of cross-curricular competencies
S Iglesias-Pradas, C Ruiz-de-Azcárate, ÁF Agudo-Peregrina
Computers in Human Behavior 47, 81-89, 2015
Predicting academic performance with learning analytics in virtual learning environments: A comparative study of three interaction classifications
ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, Á Hernández-García, S Iglesias-Pradas
2012 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), 1-6, 2012
Análisis de los factores de adopción de comercio electrónico en segmentos de consumidores finales. Aplicación al caso español
Á Agudo Peregrina
Industriales, 2014
Internet como fuente de información en el proceso de compra: hacia una concepción integral del consumidor
A Urueña-López, ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, A Hidalgo-Nuchera
Profesional de la Información 20 (6), 627-633, 2011
Social network marketing: A segmentation approach to understanding purchase intention
D Smith, Á Hernández-García, ÁF Agudo Peregrina, JF Hair Jr
Proceedings of the 7th 2016 International Conference on Social Media …, 2016
It’s never the same: The role of homogeneity in online services
ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, FJ Pascual-Miguel, J Chaparro-Peláez
Service Business 8, 453-464, 2014
Identifying consumer’s last-mile logistics beliefs in omni-channel environment
M Mahdi Zarei, J Chaparro-Pelaez, ÁF Agudo-Peregrina
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 33 (1), 1796-1812, 2020
The effect of income level on e-commerce adoption: A multigroup analysis
ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, Á Hernández-García, E Acquila-Natale
Encyclopedia of E-commerce development, implementation, and management, 2239 …, 2016
Choosing the delivery and return method in purchases: the effect of situational factors in omni-channel contexts
M Mahdi Zarei, ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, E Ponce-Cueto
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 33 (1), 2120-2137, 2020
Análisis de los factores de adopción de comercio electrónico en segmentos de consumidores finales
ÁF Agudo
Aplicación al caso español, 2014
Creación de empresas en entornos universitarios
AF Agudo, J Chaparro, A Hernández, S Iglesias, E Navarro, FJ Pascual, ...
Madrid, España: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Fundación Everis, 2013
Predicting academic performance with learning analytics in virtual learning environments: a comparative study of three interaction classifications
A Agudo, A Hernandez, S Iglesias
IEEE Xplore, digital library, 2012
Intellectual Capital Management in SMEs and the Management of Organizational Knowledge Capabilities: An Empirical Analysis
D Romero-Artigas, F Pascual-Miguel, ÁF Agudo-Peregrina
World Summit on Knowledge Society, 121-128, 2011
Extended framework for the analysis of innovative Smart City business models
ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, J Navío-Marco
Calgary: International Telecommunications Society (ITS), 2016
Is age still valid for segmenting e-shoppers?
ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, Á Hernández-García, E Acquila-Natale
2015 PLS User Conference: 2nd International Symposium on Partial Least …, 2015
Revisiting the SEC classification framework in traditional and electronic commerce
ÁF Agudo-Peregrina, J Chaparro-Peláez, FJ Pascual-Miguel
Managing Complexity: Challenges for Industrial Engineering and Operations …, 2014
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Articles 1–20