Sandor Frey
Sandor Frey
Konkoly Observatory, MTA CSFK
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Cited by
Multi-messenger observations of a binary neutron star merger
BP Abbott
Compact radio emission indicates a structured jet was produced by a binary neutron star merger
G Ghirlanda, OS Salafia, Z Paragi, M Giroletti, J Yang, B Marcote, ...
Science 363 (6430), 968-971, 2019
The``angular size-redshift''relation for compact radio structures in quasars and radio galaxies
LI Gurvits, KI Kellermann, S Frey
arXiv preprint astro-ph/9812018, 1998
The quest for dual and binary supermassive black holes: A multi-messenger view
A De Rosa, C Vignali, T Bogdanović, PR Capelo, M Charisi, M Dotti, ...
New Astronomy Reviews 86, 101525, 2019
The VSOP 5 GHZ continuum survey: the prelaunch VLBA observations
EB Fomalont, S Frey, Z Paragi, LI Gurvits, WK Scott, AR Taylor, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 131 (1), 95, 2000
The bandwagon effect: Swiss hotels' web-site and e-mail management
J Murphy, D Olaru, R Schegg, S Frey
The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 44 (1), 71-87, 2003
A close-pair binary in a distant triple supermassive black hole system
RP Deane, Z Paragi, MJ Jarvis, M Coriat, G Bernardi, RP Fender, S Frey, ...
Nature 511 (7507), 57-60, 2014
Benchmarks of web site design and marketing by Swiss hotels
R Schegg, T Steiner, S Frey, J Murphy
Information Technology & Tourism 5 (2), 73-89, 2002
The VSOP 5 GHz AGN survey I. Compilation and observations
H Hirabayashi, EB Fomalont, S Horiuchi, JEJ Lovell, GA Moellenbrock, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 52 (6), 997-1014, 2000
Into the central 10 pc of the most distant known radio quasar-VLBI imaging observations of J1429+ 5447 at z= 6.21
S Frey, Z Paragi, LI Gurvits, KÉ Gabányi, D Cseh
Astronomy & Astrophysics 531, L5, 2011
E-mail customer service in the Swiss hotel industry
S Frey, R Schegg, J Murphy
Tourism and hospitality Research 4 (3), 197-212, 2003
Unveiling recurrent jets of the ULX Holmberg II X-1: evidence for a massive stellar-mass black hole?
D Cseh, P Kaaret, S Corbel, F Grisé, C Lang, E Körding, H Falcke, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 439 (1), L1-L5, 2014
The VSOP 5 GHz active galactic nucleus survey. V. Imaging results for the remaining 140 sources
R Dodson, EB Fomalont, K Wiik, S Horiuchi, H Hirabayashi, PG Edwards, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 175 (2), 314, 2008
Very long baseline interferometry with the SKA
Z Paragi, L Godfrey, C Reynolds, M Rioja, A Deller, B Zhang, L Gurvits, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.5971, 2014
High-resolution double morphology of the most distant known radio quasar at z= 6.12
S Frey, LI Gurvits, Z Paragi, KÉ Gabányi
Astronomy & Astrophysics 484 (3), L39-L42, 2008
On the nature of bright compact radio sources at z > 4.5
R Coppejans, S Frey, D Cseh, C Müller, Z Paragi, H Falcke, KÉ Gabányi, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 463 (3), 3260-3275, 2016
The VSOP 5-GHz AGN Survey. 3. Imaging results for the first 102 sources
WK Scott, EB Fomalont, S Horiuchi, JEJ Lovell, GA Moellenbrock, ...
Astrophys. J. Suppl. 155 (arXiv: astro-ph/0407041), 33, 2004
The first estimate of radio jet proper motion at z > 5
S Frey, Z Paragi, JO Fogasy, LI Gurvits
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446 (3), 2921-2928, 2015
MultiView high precision VLBI astrometry at low frequencies
MJ Rioja, R Dodson, G Orosz, H Imai, S Frey
The Astronomical Journal 153 (3), 105, 2017
Dual-frequency VSOP observations of AO 0235+ 164
S Frey, LI Gurvits, DR Altschuler, MM Davis, P Perillat, CJ Salter, HD Aller, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 52 (6), 975-982, 2000
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Articles 1–20