Spin-gap proximity effect mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity VJ Emery, SA Kivelson, O Zachar
Physical Review B 56 (10), 6120, 1997
882 1997 Landau theory of stripe phases in cuprates and nickelates O Zachar, SA Kivelson, VJ Emery
Physical Review B 57 (3), 1422, 1998
262 1998 Exact results for a 1D Kondo lattice from bosonization O Zachar, SA Kivelson, VJ Emery
Physical review letters 77 (7), 1342, 1996
136 1996 Formulations for COVID-19 early stage treatment via silver nanoparticles inhalation delivery at home and hospital O Zachar
ScienceOpen Preprints, 2020
86 * 2020 Classification and stability of phases of the multicomponent one-dimensional electron gas VJ Emery, SA Kivelson, O Zachar
Physical Review B 59 (24), 15641, 1999
61 1999 The notion of dynamic unit: Conceptual developments in cognitive science N Mandelblit, O Zachar
Cognitive Science 22 (2), 229-268, 1998
59 1998 Incipient Order in the Model at High Temperatures LP Pryadko, SA Kivelson, O Zachar
Physical review letters 92 (6), 067002, 2004
49 2004 Method and apparatus for protection of trachea during ventilation O Zachar
US Patent App. 13/095,361, 2011
44 2011 One-dimensional electron gas interacting with a Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain O Zachar, AM Tsvelik
Physical Review B 64 (3), 033103, 2001
43 2001 Staggered liquid phases of the one-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg lattice model O Zachar
Physical Review B 63 (20), 205104, 2001
40 2001 Dimensional crossover and charge order in half-doped manganites and cobaltites O Zachar, I Zaliznyak
Physical review letters 91 (3), 036401, 2003
39 2003 Oral care system method and kit O Zachar, E Einav
US Patent App. 14/383,940, 2015
36 2015 Method and apparatus for blocking fluid flow in an intubated trachea O Zachar
US Patent App. 12/823,114, 2011
30 2011 Suction catheter with distal suction modulation O Zachar, E Einav, G Yigal
US Patent App. 14/596,905, 2015
24 2015 Stripes disorder and correlation lengths in doped antiferromagnets O Zachar
Physical Review B 62 (21), 13836, 2000
24 2000 Pairing and phase coherence in high temperature superconductors VJ Emery, SA Kivelson, O Zachar
Physica C: Superconductivity 282, 174-177, 1997
22 1997 Use of vasoconstrictors O Zachar
US Patent App. 12/982,117, 2011
17 2011 Method of and apparatus for producing hydrogen using geothermal energy O Zachar
US Patent App. 10/861,350, 2005
15 2005 Apparatus and method for irradiating biological tissue O Zachar
US Patent 9,533,169, 2017
14 2017 Fluid input module for multi-lumen catheters O Zachar, E Einav, G Yigal
US Patent 8,999,074, 2015
13 2015