Salvador Pané
Salvador Pané
Professor of Materials for Robotics, Multi-Scale Robotics Lab, Dept. Mechanical and Process
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Soft micromachines with programmable motility and morphology
HW Huang, MS Sakar, AJ Petruska, S Pané, BJ Nelson
Nature communications 7 (1), 12263, 2016
Magnetically driven micro and nanorobots
H Zhou, CC Mayorga-Martinez, S Pané, L Zhang, M Pumera
Chemical Reviews 121 (8), 4999-5041, 2021
An integrated microrobotic platform for on-demand, targeted therapeutic interventions
S Fusco, MS Sakar, S Kennedy, C Peters, R Bottani, F Starsich, A Mao, ...
Adv. Mater 26 (6), 952-957, 2014
Recent developments in magnetically driven micro-and nanorobots
XZ Chen, M Hoop, F Mushtaq, E Siringil, C Hu, BJ Nelson, S Pané
Applied Materials Today 9, 37-48, 2017
3D printed enzymatically biodegradable soft helical microswimmers
X Wang, XH Qin, C Hu, A Terzopoulou, XZ Chen, TY Huang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (45), 1804107, 2018
Hybrid magnetoelectric nanowires for nanorobotic applications: fabrication, magnetoelectric coupling, and magnetically assisted in vitro targeted drug delivery
XZ Chen, M Hoop, N Shamsudhin, T Huang, B Özkale, Q Li, E Siringil, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (8), 1605458, 2017
Piezoelectrically enhanced photocatalysis with BiFeO3 nanostructures for efficient water remediation
F Mushtaq, X Chen, M Hoop, H Torlakcik, E Pellicer, J Sort, C Gattinoni, ...
iscience 4, 236-246, 2018
Undulatory locomotion of magnetic multilink nanoswimmers
B Jang, E Gutman, N Stucki, BF Seitz, PD Wendel-García, T Newton, ...
Nano letters 15 (7), 4829-4833, 2015
Artificial swimmers propelled by acoustically activated flagella
D Ahmed, T Baasch, B Jang, S Pane, J Dual, BJ Nelson
Nano letters 16 (8), 4968-4974, 2016
Magnetic cilia carpets with programmable metachronal waves
H Gu, Q Boehler, H Cui, E Secchi, G Savorana, C De Marco, S Gervasoni, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2637, 2020
Biocompatibility characteristics of the metal organic framework ZIF-8 for therapeutical applications
M Hoop, CF Walde, R Riccò, F Mushtaq, A Terzopoulou, XZ Chen, ...
Applied Materials Today 11, 13-21, 2018
Small‐scale machines driven by external power sources
XZ Chen, B Jang, D Ahmed, C Hu, C De Marco, M Hoop, F Mushtaq, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (15), 1705061, 2018
Degradable magnetic composites for minimally invasive interventions: device fabrication, targeted drug delivery, and cytotoxicity tests
C Peters, M Hoop, S Pané, BJ Nelson, C Hierold
Advanced Materials 28 (3), 533-538, 2016
Mobility experiments with microrobots for minimally invasive intraocular surgery
F Ullrich, C Bergeles, J Pokki, O Ergeneman, S Erni, G Chatzipirpiridis, ...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 54 (4), 2853-2863, 2013
3D‐printed soft magnetoelectric microswimmers for delivery and differentiation of neuron‐like cells
M Dong, X Wang, XZ Chen, F Mushtaq, S Deng, C Zhu, H Torlakcik, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (17), 1910323, 2020
Soft micro-and nanorobotics
C Hu, S Pané, BJ Nelson
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 1 (1), 53-75, 2018
MOFBOTS: Metal–Organic-Framework-Based Biomedical Microrobots
X Wang, XZ Chen, CCJ Alcântara, S Sevim, M Hoop, A Terzopoulou, ...
Advanced Materials, 1901592, 2019
Multiwavelength Light-Responsive Au/B-TiO2 Janus Micromotors
B Jang, A Hong, HE Kang, C Alcantara, S Charreyron, F Mushtaq, ...
ACS nano 11 (6), 6146-6154, 2017
Hybrid helical magnetic microrobots obtained by 3D template‐assisted electrodeposition
MA Zeeshan, R Grisch, E Pellicer, KM Sivaraman, KE Peyer, J Sort, ...
Small 10 (7), 1284-1288, 2014
Piezoelectric Nanomaterials Activated by Ultrasound: The Pathway from Discovery to Future Clinical Adoption
A Cafarelli, A Marino, L Vannozzi, J Puigmartí-Luis, S Pané, G Ciofani, ...
ACS Nano, 2021
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