Tibor Szkaliczki
Tibor Szkaliczki
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A framework for utility-based multimedia adaptation
M Prangl, T Szkaliczki, H Hellwagner
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 17 (6), 719-728, 2007
Keyframe extraction in endoscopic video
K Schoeffmann, M Del Fabro, T Szkaliczki, L Böszörmenyi, J Keckstein
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74, 11187-11206, 2015
Routing with Minimum Wire Length in the Dogleg-Free Manhattan Model is \calNP-Complete
T Szkaliczki
SIAM Journal on Computing 29 (1), 274-287, 1999
Knapsack problem-based piece-picking algorithms for layered content in peer-to-peer networks
M Eberhard, T Szkaliczki, H Hellwagner, L Szobonya, C Timmerer
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Advanced video streaming techniques …, 2010
Interactive game development to assist cultural heritage
ZL Márkus, G Kaposi, M Veres, Z Weisz, G Szántó, T Szkaliczki, ...
Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 8 …, 2018
Game-based learning of Bulgarian iconographical art on smart phone application
D Luchev, D Paneva-Marinova, R Pavlov, G Kaposi, ZL Márkus, G Szántó, ...
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2016
Technology-enhanced learning for cultural heritage
L Draganov, D Paneva-Marinova, L Pavlova, D Luchev, ZL Márkus, ...
Fast adaptation decision taking for cross-modal multimedia content adaptation
M Prangl, H Hellwagner, T Szkaliczki
2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 137-140, 2006
Mobile Exploring of the Bulgarian Iconography through QR Codes in the GUIDE@ HAND Tourist Guide Application
G Kaposi, T Szkaliczki, ZL Márkus, D Luchev, M Goynov, ...
Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 3 …, 2013
Piece selection algorithm for layered video streaming in P2P networks
T Szkaliczki, M Eberhard, H Hellwagner, L Szobonya
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 1265-1272, 2010
BOOK@ HAND BIDL: Mobile Exploring of the Bulgarian Iconography by Using Panorama Pictures
ZL Márkus, G Kaposi, T Szkaliczki, D Luchev, R Pavlov
Mobile Exploring of Bulgarian Cultural and Scientific Assets
ZL Márkus, G Kaposi, G Szántó, T Szkaliczki, M Veres, Z Weisz, D Luchev, ...
Serdica Journal of Computing 10 (2), 93-124, 2016
Placement of nodes in an adaptive distributed multimedia server
B Goldschmidt, T Szkaliczki, L Böszörményi
Euro-Par 2004 Parallel Processing: 10th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2004
SEAHORSE: Generalizing an artificial hormone system algorithm to a middleware for search and delivery of information units
A Sobe, W Elmenreich, T Szkaliczki, L Boeszoermenyi
Computer Networks 80, 124-142, 2015
Presenting Bulgarian Cultural and Historical Sites with Panorama Pictures
D Luchev, D Paneva-Marinova, R Pavlov, L Pavlova, ZL Márkus, ...
Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 7 …, 2017
New Tourist Service Based on Virtual Reality Glasses in the Town of Miskolc, Hungary
J Nagy, ZL Márkus, G Kaposi, G Szántó, T Szkaliczki, N Vass
Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 6 …, 2016
A semantic-based multi-modal utility approach for multimedia adaptation
M Prangl, H Hellwagner, T Szkaliczki
na, 2006
clustering. sc. dp: Optimal clustering with sequential constraint by using dynamic programming
T Szkaliczki
R JOURNAL 8 (1), 318-327, 2016
Optimal routing on narrow channels
T Szkaliczki
Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering (Archives) 38 (2), 191-196, 1994
Smart Solutions for Guided Cultural Routes along the Iron Age Archaeological Sites of the Danube Basin
S Czifra, A Pálinkás, ZL Márkus, T Szkaliczki, M Veres, Z Weisz
Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 9 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20