Apparao Dekka
Apparao Dekka
Assistant Professor, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada
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Cited by
Evolution of topologies, modeling, control schemes, and applications of modular multilevel converters
A Dekka, B Wu, RL Fuentes, M Perez, NR Zargari
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 5 (4 …, 2017
PMSG‐based wind energy conversion systems: survey on power converters and controls
V Yaramasu, A Dekka, MJ Durán, S Kouro, B Wu
IET Electric Power Applications 11 (6), 956-968, 2017
Modular multilevel converters: analysis, control, and applications
S Du, A Dekka, B Wu, N Zargari
John Wiley & Sons, 2017
Model predictive control of high-power modular multilevel converters—An overview
A Dekka, B Wu, V Yaramasu, RL Fuentes, NR Zargari
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 7 (1), 168-183, 2018
A space-vector PWM-based voltage-balancing approach with reduced current sensors for modular multilevel converter
A Dekka, B Wu, NR Zargari, RL Fuentes
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (5), 2734-2745, 2016
Space-vector-based synchronized three-level discontinuous PWM for medium-voltage high-power VSI
AR Beig, S Kanukollu, K Al Hosani, A Dekka
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (8), 3891-3901, 2013
A novel modulation scheme and voltage balancing algorithm for modular multilevel converter
A Dekka, B Wu, NR Zargari
IEEE Transactions on industry applications 52 (1), 432-443, 2015
Dynamic Voltage Balancing Algorithm for Modular Multilevel Converter: A Unique Solution
A Dekka, B Wu, N Zargari, R Lizana
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (2), 952-963, 2015
Model predictive control with common-mode voltage injection for modular multilevel converter
A Dekka, B Wu, V Yaramasu, NR Zargari
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (3), 1767-1778, 2016
Dual-stage model predictive control with improved harmonic performance for modular multilevel converter
A Dekka, B Wu, V Yaramasu, NR Zargari
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (10), 6010-6019, 2016
Capacitor voltage balancing and current control of a five-level nested neutral-point-clamped converter
A Dekka, M Narimani
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (12), 10169-10177, 2018
Integrated model predictive control with reduced switching frequency for modular multilevel converters
A Dekka, B Wu, V Yaramasu, NR Zargari
IET Electric Power Applications 11 (5), 857-863, 2017
A survey on energy storage technologies in power systems
A Dekka, R Ghaffari, B Venkatesh, B Wu
2015 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 105-111, 2015
Experimental verification of multilevel inverter-based standalone power supply for low-voltage and low-power applications
AR Beig, A Dekka
IET Power Electronics 5 (6), 635-643, 2012
Modulation and voltage balancing of a five-level series-connected multilevel inverter with reduced isolated direct current sources
A Dekka, O Beik, M Narimani
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (10), 8219-8230, 2019
A new five-level voltage source inverter: Modulation and control
A Dekka, A Ramezani, S Ouni, M Narimani
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 56 (5), 5553-5564, 2020
Asymmetrical dc link voltage balance of a cascaded two level inverter based STATCOM
NNVS Babu, DA Rao, BG Fernandes
TENCON 2010-2010 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 483-488, 2010
Start-up Operation of a Modular Multilevel Converter with Flying Capacitor Submodules
AR Dekka, B Wu, N Zargari
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017
Voltage-balancing approach with improved harmonic performance for modular multilevel converters
A Dekka, B Wu, RL Fuentes, M Perez, NR Zargari
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (8), 5878-5884, 2017
Retrofitting of harmonic power filters in onshore oil drilling rigs: Challenges and solutions
A Dekka, AR Beig, S Kanukollu, MS Al Rahis
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (1), 142-154, 2013
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Articles 1–20