Harriet Over
Harriet Over
Professor of Psychology, University of York
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Cited by
Putting the social into social learning: explaining both selectivity and fidelity in children's copying behavior.
H Over, M Carpenter
Journal of Comparative Psychology 126 (2), 182, 2012
Young children care more about their reputation with ingroup members and potential reciprocators
JM Engelmann, H Over, E Herrmann, M Tomasello
Developmental Science 16 (6), 952-958, 2013
Priming third‐party ostracism increases affiliative imitation in children
H Over, M Carpenter
Developmental science 12 (3), F1-F8, 2009
Eighteen-month-old infants show increased helping following priming with affiliation
H Over, M Carpenter
Psychological Science 20 (10), 1189-1193, 2009
The origins of belonging: Social motivation in infants and young children
H Over
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Adolescents and loot boxes: Links with problem gambling and motivations for purchase
D Zendle, R Meyer, H Over
Royal Society open science 6 (6), 190049, 2019
The social side of imitation
H Over, M Carpenter
Child development perspectives 7 (1), 6-11, 2013
The effects of collaboration and minimal-group membership on children’s prosocial behavior, liking, affiliation, and trust
M Plötner, H Over, M Carpenter, M Tomasello
Journal of experimental child psychology 139, 161-173, 2015
I won’t tell: Young children show loyalty to their group by keeping group secrets
A Misch, H Over, M Carpenter
Journal of experimental child psychology 142, 96-106, 2016
Like me: A homophily-based account of human culture
D Haun, H Over
Epistemological dimensions of evolutionary psychology, 117-130, 2015
Young children are more likely to spontaneously attribute mental states to members of their own group
N McLoughlin, H Over
Psychological Science 28 (10), 1503-1509, 2017
The influence of group membership on young children's prosocial behaviour
H Over
Current Opinion in Psychology 20, 17-20, 2018
Stick with your group: Young children’s attitudes about group loyalty
A Misch, H Over, M Carpenter
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 126, 19-36, 2014
Seven challenges for the dehumanization hypothesis
H Over
Perspectives on Psychological Science 16 (1), 3-13, 2021
Where do spontaneous first impressions of faces come from?
H Over, R Cook
Cognition 170, 190-200, 2018
Bound together: Social binding leads to faster processing, spatial distortion, and enhanced memory of interacting partners.
T Vestner, SP Tipper, T Hartley, H Over, SA Rueschemeyer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (7), 1251, 2019
Sampling bias and incorrect rooting make phylogenetic network tracing of SARS-COV-2 infections unreliable
C Mavian, SK Pond, S Marini, BR Magalis, AM Vandamme, S Dellicour, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (23), 12522-12523, 2020
Eighteen-month-olds understand false beliefs in an unexpected-contents task
D Buttelmann, H Over, M Carpenter, M Tomasello
Journal of experimental child psychology 119, 120-126, 2014
Children draw more affiliative pictures following priming with third-party ostracism.
R Song, H Over, M Carpenter
Developmental Psychology 51 (6), 831, 2015
Becoming us and them: Social learning and intergroup bias
H Over, C McCall
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 12 (4), e12384, 2018
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Articles 1–20