Noemi Wolanski
Noemi Wolanski
Profesor de Matematica UBA
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How to approximate the heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions by nonlocal diffusion problems
C Cortazar, M Elgueta, JD Rossi, N Wolanski
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 187, 137-156, 2008
Lipschitz continuity of solutions and interfaces of the n–dimensional porous medium equation
LA Caffarelli, JL Vázquez, NI Wolanski
Indiana University mathematics journal 36 (2), 373-401, 1987
Boundary fluxes for nonlocal diffusion
C Cortazar, M Elgueta, JD Rossi, N Wolanski
Journal of Differential Equations 234 (2), 360-390, 2007
Gradient estimates for a new class of degenerate elliptic and parabolic equations
GM Lieberman
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze 21 (4), 497-522, 1994
Blow up results and localization of blow up points for the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition
JL Gómez, V Márquez, N Wolanski
Journal of differential equations 92 (2), 384-401, 1991
A minimum problem with free boundary in Orlicz spaces
S Martínez, N Wolanski
Advances in Mathematics 218 (6), 1914-1971, 2008
Uniform estimates and limits for a two phase parabolic singular perturbation problem
LA Caffarelli, C Lederman, N Wolanski
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 453-489, 1997
C1,α regularity of the free boundary for the n‐dimensional porous media equation
LA Caffarelli, NI Wolanski
Communications on pure and applied mathematics 43 (7), 885-902, 1990
Pointwise and viscosity solutions for the limit of a two phase parabolic singular perturbation problem
LA Caffarelli, C Lederman, N Wolanski
Indiana University Mathematics Journal 46 (3), 719-740, 1997
Mathematical justification of a nonlinear integro-differential equation for the propagation of spherical flames
C Lederman, JM Roquejoffre, N Wolanski
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 183, 173-239, 2004
A singular perturbation problem for a quasi-linear operator satisfying the natural growth condition of Lieberman
S Martinez, N Wolanski
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 41 (1), 318-359, 2009
Blow-up vs. global existence for a semilinear reaction-diffusion system in a bounded domain
JD Rossi, N Wolanski
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 20 (11-12), 1991-2004, 1995
Uniqueness of solution to a free boundary problem from combustion
C Lederman, J Vázquez, N Wolanski
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 353 (2), 655-692, 2001
Dynamic behavior of positive solutions to reaction-diffusion problems with nonlinear absorption through the boundary
JL Gómez, V Márquez, N Wolanski
Rev. Unión Mat. Argent 38, 196-209, 1993
A two phase elliptic singular perturbation problem with a forcing term
C Lederman, N Wolanski
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 86 (6), 552-589, 2006
Global behavior of positive solutions to nonlinear diffusion problems with nonlinear absorption through the boundary
N Wolanski
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 24 (2), 317-326, 1993
A nonlocal diffusion problem with a sharp free boundary
C Cortázar, F Quirós, N Wolanski
Interfaces and Free Boundaries 21 (4), 441-462, 2019
Regularity of the free boundary in an optimization problem related to the best Sobolev trace constant
JF Bonder, JD Rossi, N Wolanski
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 44 (5), 1614-1635, 2005
Singular perturbation in a nonlocal diffusion problem
C Lederman, N Wolanski
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 31 (2), 195-241, 2006
Mathematical justification of a nonlinear integro-differential equation for the propagation of spherical flames
C Lederman, JM Roquejoffre, N Wolanski
Comptes rendus. Mathématique 334 (7), 569-574, 2002
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