Array signal processing DH Johnson concepts and techniques, 1993 | 4324 | 1993 |
Cooperative learning returns to college what evidence is there that it works? DW Johnson, RT Johnson, KA Smith Change: the magazine of higher learning 30 (4), 26-35, 1998 | 2270 | 1998 |
Cooperation and the use of technology DW Johnson, RT Johnson Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 777-803, 2013 | 1446 | 2013 |
The relationship between spike rate and synchrony in responses of auditory‐nerve fibers to single tones DH Johnson The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 68 (4), 1115-1122, 1980 | 900 | 1980 |
Gauss and the history of the fast Fourier transform M Heideman, D Johnson, C Burrus IEEE Assp Magazine 1 (4), 14-21, 1984 | 776 | 1984 |
The application of spectral estimation methods to bearing estimation problems DH Johnson Proceedings of the IEEE 70 (9), 1018-1028, 1982 | 629 | 1982 |
Sparse coding via thresholding and local competition in neural circuits CJ Rozell, DH Johnson, RG Baraniuk, BA Olshausen Neural computation 20 (10), 2526-2563, 2008 | 555 | 2008 |
Gauss and the history of the fast Fourier transform MT Heideman, DH Johnson, CS Burrus Archive for history of exact sciences, 265-277, 1985 | 412 | 1985 |
Symmetrizing the Kullback-Leibler distance D Johnson, S Sinanovic Unpublished, 2001 | 410 | 2001 |
Improving the resolution of bearing in passive sonar arrays by eigenvalue analysis D Johnson, S DeGraaf IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 30 (4), 638-647, 1982 | 410 | 1982 |
All-optical nanoscale pH meter SW Bishnoi, CJ Rozell, CS Levin, MK Gheith, BR Johnson, DH Johnson, ... Nano letters 6 (8), 1687-1692, 2006 | 409 | 2006 |
Point process models of single-neuron discharges DH Johnson Journal of computational neuroscience 3, 275-299, 1996 | 310 | 1996 |
Signal-to-noise ratio DH Johnson Scholarpedia 1 (12), 2088, 2006 | 292 | 2006 |
Computation of spectra with unequal resolution using the fast Fourier transform A Oppenheim, D Johnson, K Steiglitz Proceedings of the IEEE 59 (2), 299-301, 1971 | 283 | 1971 |
Holubec (1999) D Johnson, R Johnson El aprendizaje cooperativo en el aula, 43-64, 2005 | 242 | 2005 |
Managing and distributing data objects of different types between computers connected to a network LA Ciscon, JD Wise Jr, DH Johnson US Patent 5,634,010, 1997 | 192 | 1997 |
Analysis of discharges recorded simultaneously from pairs of auditory nerve fibers DH Johnson, NY Kiang Biophysical journal 16 (7), 719-734, 1976 | 167 | 1976 |
Information-theoretic analysis of neural coding DH Johnson, CM Gruner, K Baggerly, C Seshagiri Journal of computational neuroscience 10, 47-69, 2001 | 166 | 2001 |
Origins of the equivalent circuit concept: the voltage-source equivalent DH Johnson Proceedings of the IEEE 91 (4), 636-640, 2003 | 152 | 2003 |
The transmission of signals by auditory‐nerve fiber discharge patterns DH Johnson, A Swami The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 74 (2), 493-501, 1983 | 143 | 1983 |