Uwe Haberlandt
Uwe Haberlandt
Professor for Water Resources Management, Leibniz Universität Hannover
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Terrestrial vegetation and water balance—hydrological evaluation of a dynamic global vegetation model
D Gerten, S Schaphoff, U Haberlandt, W Lucht, S Sitch
Journal of hydrology 286 (1-4), 249-270, 2004
Geostatistical interpolation of hourly precipitation from rain gauges and radar for a large-scale extreme rainfall event
U Haberlandt
Journal of Hydrology 332 (1-2), 144-157, 2007
Impact of land use changes on water dynamics––a case study in temperate meso and macroscale river basins
B Klöcking, U Haberlandt
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts a/B/C 27 (9-10), 619-629, 2002
Geostatistical merging of rain gauge and radar data for high temporal resolutions and various station density scenarios
C Berndt, E Rabiei, U Haberlandt
Journal of Hydrology 508, 88-101, 2014
Causative classification of river flood events
L Tarasova, R Merz, A Kiss, S Basso, G Blöschl, B Merz, A Viglione, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 6 (4), e1353, 2019
Spatial interpolation of hourly rainfall–effect of additional information, variogram inference and storm properties
A Verworn, U Haberlandt
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (2), 569-584, 2011
Spatial interpolation of climate variables in Northern Germany—Influence of temporal resolution and network density
C Berndt, U Haberlandt
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 15, 184-202, 2018
Evaluation of an ensemble of regional hydrological models in 12 large-scale river basins worldwide
S Huang, R Kumar, M Flörke, T Yang, Y Hundecha, P Kraft, C Gao, ...
Climatic Change 141, 381-397, 2017
Temporal rainfall disaggregation using a multiplicative cascade model for spatial application in urban hydrology
H Müller, U Haberlandt
Journal of Hydrology 556, 847-864, 2018
Regionalisation of the base flow index from dynamically simulated flow components—a case study in the Elbe River Basin
U Haberlandt, B Klöcking, V Krysanova, A Becker
Journal of Hydrology 248 (1-4), 35-53, 2001
A space-time hybrid hourly rainfall model for derived flood frequency analysis
U Haberlandt, AD Ebner von Eschenbach, I Buchwald
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 12 (6), 1353-1367, 2008
Hydrological model calibration for derived flood frequency analysis using stochastic rainfall and probability distributions of peak flows
U Haberlandt, I Radtke
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (1), 353-365, 2014
Atmospheric model data for macroscale hydrology
GW Kite, U Haberlandt
Journal of Hydrology 217 (3-4), 303-313, 1999
Rainfall estimation using moving cars as rain gauges–laboratory experiments
E Rabiei, U Haberlandt, M Sester, D Fitzner
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (11), 4701-4712, 2013
Applying bias correction for merging rain gauge and radar data
E Rabiei, U Haberlandt
Journal of Hydrology 522, 544-557, 2015
Areal rainfall estimation using moving cars as rain gauges–a modelling study
U Haberlandt, M Sester
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (7), 1139-1151, 2010
A one-step similarity approach for the regionalization of hydrological model parameters based on Self-Organizing Maps
M Wallner, U Haberlandt, J Dietrich
Journal of hydrology 494, 59-71, 2013
Assessment of nitrogen leaching from arable land in large river basins: Part I. Simulation experiments using a process-based model
V Krysanova, U Haberlandt
Ecological Modelling 150 (3), 255-275, 2002
Estimation of daily space–time precipitation series for macroscale hydrological modelling
U Haberlandt, GW Kite
Hydrological Processes 12 (9), 1419-1432, 1998
Temporal rainfall disaggregation with a cascade model: from single-station disaggregation to spatial rainfall
H Müller, U Haberlandt
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20 (11), 04015026, 2015
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Articles 1–20