Georg Hager
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Introduction to high performance computing for scientists and engineers
G Hager, G Wellein
CRC Press, 2010
Likwid: A lightweight performance-oriented tool suite for x86 multicore environments
J Treibig, G Hager, G Wellein
2010 39th international conference on parallel processing workshops, 207-216, 2010
Hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallel programming on clusters of multi-core SMP nodes
R Rabenseifner, G Hager, G Jost
2009 17th Euromicro international conference on parallel, distributed and …, 2009
A unified sparse matrix data format for efficient general sparse matrix-vector multiplication on modern processors with wide SIMD units
M Kreutzer, G Hager, G Wellein, H Fehske, AR Bishop
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (5), C401-C423, 2014
On the single processor performance of simple lattice Boltzmann kernels
G Wellein, T Zeiser, G Hager, S Donath
Computers & Fluids 35 (8-9), 910-919, 2006
Efficient temporal blocking for stencil computations by multicore-aware wavefront parallelization
G Wellein, G Hager, T Zeiser, M Wittmann, H Fehske
2009 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications …, 2009
Exploring performance and power properties of modern multi‐core chips via simple machine models
G Hager, J Treibig, J Habich, G Wellein
Concurrency and computation: practice and experience 28 (2), 189-210, 2016
Quantifying performance bottlenecks of stencil computations using the execution-cache-memory model
H Stengel, J Treibig, G Hager, G Wellein
Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing …, 2015
A recursive algebraic coloring technique for hardware-efficient symmetric sparse matrix-vector multiplication
C Alappat, A Basermann, AR Bishop, H Fehske, G Hager, O Schenk, ...
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC) 7 (3), 1-37, 2020
Comparison of different propagation steps for lattice Boltzmann methods
M Wittmann, T Zeiser, G Hager, G Wellein
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 65 (6), 924-935, 2013
Stripe formation in doped Hubbard ladders
G Hager, G Wellein, E Jeckelmann, H Fehske
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (7), 075108, 2005
Performance engineering for the lattice Boltzmann method on GPGPUs: Architectural requirements and performance results
J Habich, C Feichtinger, H Köstler, G Hager, G Wellein
Computers & Fluids 80, 276-282, 2013
Expression templates revisited: a performance analysis of current methodologies
K Iglberger, G Hager, J Treibig, U Rüde
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (2), C42-C69, 2012
Multicore-optimized wavefront diamond blocking for optimizing stencil updates
T Malas, G Hager, H Ltaief, H Stengel, G Wellein, D Keyes
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (4), C439-C464, 2015
Introducing a performance model for bandwidth-limited loop kernels
J Treibig, G Hager
International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 615-624, 2009
Sparse matrix-vector multiplication on GPGPU clusters: A new storage format and a scalable implementation
M Kreutzer, G Hager, G Wellein, H Fehske, A Basermann, AR Bishop
2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2012
Metallicity in the half-filled Holstein-Hubbard model
H Fehske, G Hager, E Jeckelmann
Europhysics Letters 84 (5), 57001, 2008
Communication characteristics and hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallel programming on clusters of multi-core SMP nodes
G Hager, G Jost, R Rabenseifner
Proceedings of Cray User Group Conference 4 (500), 5455, 2009
A flexible Patch-based lattice Boltzmann parallelization approach for heterogeneous GPU–CPU clusters
C Feichtinger, J Habich, H Köstler, G Hager, U Rüde, G Wellein
Parallel Computing 37 (9), 536-549, 2011
Quantum lattice dynamical effects on single-particle excitations in one-dimensional Mott and Peierls insulators
H Fehske, G Wellein, G Hager, A Weiße, AR Bishop
Physical Review B 69 (16), 165115, 2004
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