Andras Laszlo
Andras Laszlo
Wigner Research Centre for Physics
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NA61/SHINE facility at the CERN SPS: beams and detector system
N Abgrall, O Andreeva, A Aduszkiewicz, Y Ali, T Anticic, N Antoniou, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 9 (06), P06005, 2014
Measurement of production properties of positively charged kaons in proton-carbon interactions at 31 GeV/
N Abgrall, A Aduszkiewicz, T Anticic, N Antoniou, J Argyriades, B Baatar, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (3), 035210, 2012
Measurements of , K, p and spectra in proton-proton interactions at 20, 31, 40, 80 and 158  with the NA61/SHINE spectrometer at the CERN SPS: The …
A Aduszkiewicz, Y Ali, E Andronov, T Antićić, B Baatar, M Baszczyk, ...
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-41, 2017
meson production in inelastic p+p interactions at 158  beam momentum measured by NA61/SHINEat the CERN SPS
NA61/SHINE Collaboration, A Aduszkiewicz, EV Andronov, T Antićić, ...
The European Physical Journal C 80, 1-22, 2020
Production of -hyperons in inelastic p+p interactions at 158 NA61/SHINE Collaboration
A Aduszkiewicz, Y Ali, E Andronov, T Antićić, N Antoniou, B Baatar, F Bay, ...
The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-18, 2016
Multiplicity and transverse momentum fluctuations in inelastic proton–proton interactions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron
A Aduszkiewicz, Y Ali, E Andronov, T Antićić, N Antoniou, B Baatar, F Bay, ...
The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-17, 2016
Measurements of , and proton double differential yields from the surface of the T2K replica target for incoming 31 GeV/c protons with the NA61/SHINE …
N Abgrall, A Aduszkiewicz, EV Andronov, T Antićić, B Baatar, M Baszczyk, ...
The European Physical Journal C 79, 1-45, 2019
System-size and centrality dependence of charged kaon and pion production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 40 GeV and 158 GeV beam energy
T Anticic, B Baatar, D Barna, J Bartke, H Beck, L Betev, H Białkowska, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 86 (5), 054903, 2012
Measurement of meson resonance production in C interactions at SPS energies
A Aduszkiewicz, Y Ali, EV Andronov, T Antićić, B Baatar, M Baszczyk, ...
The European Physical Journal C 77 (9), 1-26, 2017
High pT Spectra of Identified Particles Produced in Pb+ Pb Collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon Beam Energy
A László, T Schuster
Nuclear Physics A 774, 473-476, 2006
Antideuteron and deuteron production in midcentral Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV
T Anticic, B Baatar, D Barna, J Bartke, H Beck, L Betev, H Białkowska, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (4), 044913, 2012
Strongly intensive measures for transverse momentum and particle number fluctuations
MI Gorenstein, K Grebieszkow
Physical Review C 89 (3), 034903, 2014
The offline software framework of the NA61/SHINE experiment
R Sipos, A Laszlo, A Marcinek, T Paul, M Szuba, M Unger, D Veberic, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2), 022045, 2012
Na61/Shine at the CERN SPS
A Laszlo, NA61 Collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:0709.1867, 2007
Quantification of GR effects in muon g-2, EDM and other spin precession experiments
A László, Z Zimborás
Classical and Quantum Gravity 35 (17), 175003, 2018
The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS
A László
arXiv preprint arXiv:0907.4493, 2009
Two-particle correlations in azimuthal angle and pseudorapidity in inelastic p+ p interactions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron
A Aduszkiewicz, Y Ali, E Andronov, T Antićić, N Antoniou, B Baatar, F Bay, ...
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-15, 2017
On the use of multipole expansion in time evolution of nonlinear dynamical systems and some surprises related to superradiance
P Csizmadia, A László, I Rácz
Classical and Quantum Gravity 30 (1), 015010, 2012
Measurements of hadron production in and interactions at
A Aduszkiewicz, EV Andronov, T Antićić, V Babkin, M Baszczyk, ...
Physical Review D 100 (11), 112004, 2019
Measurements of production and inelastic cross sections for , , and at and and at
A Aduszkiewicz, EV Andronov, T Antićić, V Babkin, M Baszczyk, ...
Physical Review D 100 (11), 112001, 2019
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Articles 1–20